
Sunday, July 28, 2013


When I queue in line for snacks in the movie house, I would usually give a snicker at those who would have a Starbucks coffee when entering the theatre. For me, IT IS NOT A VALID movie companion! Were these people deprived of the usual buttered popcorn and soda when they were kids? What were they thinking?  

But then one time, when I was shivering cold and there was a more than appropriate line at the commissary, I thought, what the heck, why not give STARBUCKS a try. There was no line and I guess it would warm me up besides ogling at (insert name of actor in movie here as I don't remember what it was anymore). So I got a grande Caramel Macchiato and the chirpy server offered to make it extra hot for the movie. Okay fine.

After my husband and I got seated, I took a careful sip from my Caramel Macchiato and I loved how the hot drink trickled smoothly down my cold throat. Throughout the movie, I remember being comforted by the tall mug of hot drink and, unlike what  a tumbler of popcorn and soda may give for my age (ahem), I did not feel bloated afterwards. I felt juuuust right!

So after that fateful night, I became a convert. I now forego the usuals and go for a tall coffee grande.

But then, I discovered that the PERFECT accompaniment to my Caramel Macchiato in the movie house was a warm piece of their CHOCOLATE CHIP MACADAMIA COOKIE. I know that the reason why I loved having coffee in the first place was because I did not want to gain loads of pounds and/or feel bloated. But this was different. The cookie was THAT good! So every Saturday I am always praying that the Starbucks theatre kiosk at Power Plant Mall would always have a cookie or 2 for me. It would not be a successful date night if it weren't.

One time, they ran out of my favorite Chocolate Chip Macadamia Cookie in the Starbucks Kiosk so I just decided to get one after the movie and eat it at home. When I went to the other Starbucks restaurant in the mall, the kindly server informed me that they ran out of the cookie also. I asked if they could "check in the back" because I was really craving for it.

And so he did. And he came jolly back with a small box and proceeded to punch it out for me.

When my husband and I got home, I eagerly opened the STARBUCKS paper bag for our midnight snack and discovered that what we had was not the usual CHOCOLATE CHIP MACADAMIA cookie which I have always obsessed over every Saturday. Instead, what we got were 2 pieces of  CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES with marshmallow in the middle.

I was very disappointed and wanted to call Starbucks to complain. But then I remembered it was my fault for not checking the paper bag in the first place. I just resigned myself to force feed my hungry being and proceeded to heat up the cookie in the microwave.

What we got afterwards was such a gooey, yummy nummy, deeeelicious cookie treat that I can't help but share how much my Yub and I enjoyed it that night. Yes, I would usually post about the restaurants we ate in but we just had such a wonderful experience with this mistake of a cookie that I just had to share it! Hope you would get to try it soon too!!! Don't forget to heat it in the microwave!

Quite a long story right? Told you I really love sharing in my blog... ha ha ha!!!!

Hello little STARBUCKS Marshmallow Chocolate Chip Cookie! Gonna heat you up a bit in the microwave!

(This is the second cookie already. The first one was already resting our tummies!)

My husband swiped the  STARBUCKS cookie from the microwave and asked if he could have a picture first before I heated it up. 

I cannot answer yet because I was torn between making a decision or bonking his head for giving me such a goofy expression. Ha ha ha! Kidding!

I set it up on medium high for 15 seconds... 

... then stopped it when the marshmallow filling was already bubbling and oozing out of the 2 STARBUCKS cookies....

By the way, each cookie costs about P80.00!!

The first STARBUCKS cookie, I ate with my hands and got gooey marshmallow everywhere. So this time I sorta learned my lesson and used a fork for the first bite!

But then... where's the fun in that??

So my fingers indulged once more.... 

I am not exaggerating how sticky and gummy the sweet marshmallow is.  I tried stretching it for about a foot but it still did not break!

The marshmallow stuck itself everywhere!

... and this was just for my first bite on the second cookie!!!

I gave up trying to get a clean bite and just shoved everything in my my mouth!

But the stretchy marshmallow still did not let go!

So I just licked and nibbled on the sticky marshmallow excess on my (hopefully) clean fingers :)

What I loved about the new STARBUCKS CHOCOLATE CHIP MARSHMALLOW COOKIE  was the big chunks of belgian chocolate chips!! The sweet melted marshmallow complemented the bitter rich delight of chocolate!

Plus, this STARBUCKS cookie does not have macadamias!!! ha ha ha ha! I personally am not a fan of the nut that I would often spit it out (without any drool, ew!) and give it to my husband while watching the movie.

Tee hee! Yeah that's how gross we are to each other! :)

Oh yum!!

We were watching DESPICABLE ME 1 with the kids for the nth time but I still enjoyed the movie. I was absent mindedly  sucking at my fingers for any more of the gooey marshmallow remnants!

See Yub taking a pic of me? I'm glad he did! Ha ha ha ha!

MAMMA MIA! Truly enjoyed that STARBUCKS cookie so much that it deserved a post here in my silly little foodie blog!!!

Can't wait to have this again but only for take home! I don't think I could manage this in a dark movie house anyway. 



  1. Your pictures are as insane as Richie's : )

    1. Ha ha ha ha! It was good thing dear Spanx that my skin did not break out as usual...

  2. This is so good that I had to remake it last weekend! :D

    1. Hiya Angela! This was so good that I almost made love to it! Ha ha ha ha! Kidding! That's what inspired me to make a single blog entry about it. This was just insanely delicious! YUM!
