
Monday, May 13, 2013


I think it is no secret by now that I love my silly little foodie blog. I love it so much that I think about it morning, noon, and night time (please don't sing it.)

And since I LOVE ERICJAZ FOODIES I think it is just appropriate that if I will confess my guilty pleasures it will be in this site.... 

Not that you may care about what my guilty pleasures are but I just want to share for the good of normal people in the world to steer clear of these "tell - tale" signs.

The few embarrassing things that comes to mind pronto are the following: 

a) My love for music from the classic like Frank Sinatra, Beatles, to the uber baduy F4 (hell yeah!) and One Direction.

b) My obsession to embarrass my husband in public because I find his face so funny afterwards. From pinching his butt in public places and even yelling at a mall "ALA EH, KE GANDA PALA DETO SA MAYNILAH!"

c) My love for STALKING!

Oh yeah! I stalk...  A LOT.

Before ex-boyfriends and THOR give this Cary Grant smile high-fiving themselves, uh sorry, but this does not go out to you.

I LOVE stalking actors, actresses, singers, bands, who are my flavors of the month. After work I would read what I can on them and talk about it to my poor hubbie.

Even if I work for the longest running noon time show in the universe, I now stalk FOOD BLOGGERS and chefs! Sometimes I would get to sleep at around 1:00am after reading blogs  and jump from one link to the next. I would definitely eat at restaurants they have recommended and order what they enjoyed. It would also be weird that I don't remember some of my friends' birthdays but I have a photographic memory on a food bloggers exploits!

So here I just want to share the FOOD bloggers whom I stalk on a regular basis and my thrill of being able to finally meet them! Plus the people from the food industry who got me so starstruck!!! Of course, it's a special KODAK moment for us (or ME!)

The first foodie blog which I have ever encountered was from THE guy himself, Mr. Anton Diaz! After I followed his tips on how to have a great foodie Tagaytay getaway I was hooked and I never looked back. So you could just imagine how excited I was to see him in the Ultimate Taste Test in Rockwell tent that I really came up to him and introduced myself. He was so nice and agreed to take a picture with me and the master Mati. I told him that my little guy was turning into such a foodie and he was impressed! Made me idolize him even more! :)

Check out his site (as if it needs an introduction) 


I don't know if Mr. Richie Zamora believes me or not but I would really spend almost hours going through his blog. I encountered it after I saw other FB friends liking his page that I decided to give it a glance and I was instantly hooked. I loved how not only was he very humorous in his reviews but he would really make me laugh out loud while reading, yes, a food blog! And from what I got in the content of  THE PICKIEST EATER, he seems like a really nice guy since he was always considerate of a restaurant's flaws. No Anton Ego here.. but somebody who gave a lot of encouragement. I got a first encounter of his "niceness" when I was in my fan mode and I really wanted to win one of his shirts. But silly computer illiterate me, I cannot seem to navigate my way through the rules of the game. I messaged him about it not to complain but I just wanted to let him know that he got a real fan who did not really need a shirt to idolize him. Computer illiterate but a fan nevertheless. Without another word he said that my shirt (plus my hubs) are ready for pick up! WOW!!! 

Mr. Zamora was also one of the main reasons why I got brave enough to start and continue my silly little foodie blog. When people criticized that EricJaz Foodies was filled with "too much pictures" he gave me a simple but astounding advice: It's your blog. Do what you want with it.

Up to now I tell that to my friends and they would strongly agree. 

I have 2 favorites and his blog is one of them...



The Pickiest Eater has a lovely wife who created a mommy blog which is so personal and informative. I always check out her daily chronicles of life with her beautiful baby Rain. If you read it you'll really feel her love for their little lady.

I had a lot of fun chatting with Mr. Zamora's wife, Ms. Rina Zamora! We shared mommy tales as well. 

In the meantime... 

Check out RINA'S RAINBOW !!!

Here are other foodie bloggers whom I met along the way. I now read their blogs regularly and I suggest you check out their posts too!!!

Very nice Ms. Yedy Calaguas who let me have a taste of her eggs benedict during brunch in Malcolm's (See that HERE !!!). 

Check out  YEDYLICIOUS !!

Was able to meet Eugene Constantino and I was impressed at how humble he was. He really came off as the silent but smart authority on food. I have read Hefty Foodie before but I got so disappointed that I did not  win his Sambo Kojin promo. Ha ha ha ha!

Check out HEFTY FOODIE !!!  

And who does NOT know the blog TALES FROM THE TUMMY? I think I read his posts the same time as OUR AWESOME PLANET

You would know how cool Mr. Richard Co is judging by his shirt. He was very cheerful too and shared how  he used to get so excited with just 20 views in his blog! I can't believe that he ever got 20 views but he declared it proudly. Now I did not feel bad about the number of views I would get. He he he!


Photo grabbed from Ms. Jane Chua's fb!

I was able to meet the Heart Evangelista of bloggers and I wonder if the actress is as nice and lovely as Ms. Jane Chua of  BETWEEN BITES. She is such a ray of sunshine and very kind at that. Her blog will definitely brighten up your day the way she does when she enters a room! 

Check out BETWEEN BITES !!!

I really wonder though how a lady with such a big appetite could maintain a very svelte figure. The world is not fair I know.

Every time I see Mr. Gerry San Miguel, he would always have a ready smile and friendly greeting. He could really be this cool brother (oh, brother!) who will give you knowledgeable tips about life.

However, no matter how "cool" he is, I still hate that he won the kitayama wagyu steaks in the raffle at Malcolm's. Ha ha ha ha! Oh well... I guess nice guys do NOT finish last. 

I told him before that reading his blog is like a spa session with food because every word seems to be so soothing along with the colorful pictures. 

Everybody loves GERRY!

Read up and see what I mean...

Check out DUDE FOR FOOD !!!!

It was just a shame that we were not able to take individual pictures of the bloggers we sat with but they know how much I follow now and always check out their posts with my comments! 

From left to right...

Ms. Kathi Raneses and Mr. Jericho San Miguel of MUCKING AROUND MANILA have a lifestyle and travel blog that is both fun and generous with tips on how to enjoy the metro. 

Dear Kathi is such a joy to chat with and she really knows her stuff away around the Metro and beyond!

By the way, I was especially grateful that they're the only other followers in our blog besides us... Ha ha ha ha ha! 


Mr. Ray and Love Lynne Reyes are newlyweds and heads the travel and food blog EN ROUTE. These guys have been around the globe and back that travel fantasizers (like me) will enjoy their experiences if you have not been to those places... yet. 

It's always cheers and adventures for these two and I hate it! Kidding! Just happily jealous of them. Ha ha ha ha!!!

Check out  EN ROUTE !!!

Ms. Michelle Angela Melo has a different kind of food blog -- the one that commands its presence once it has been posted in FB that I cannot NOT click on to read it. The name is quite original from the other cutesy patootsie food blog names out there (like EricJaz Foodies... ha ha ha ha!) I am a fan of the randomness of her food entries how she could just eat and feature anything from isaw to the salmon of a 5 star hotel. I have made a list of her recommendations and... it... is... getting... loooong! Soon I'm sure! One day at a time!

Check out I AM A DEKAPHOBIC !!!

Photo grabbed from WHEN IN MANILA
Of course, how can I not include Ms. Mae Ilagan of EATS A DATE ? I first met her during my family's trip with friends in Lake View Hotel at Tagaytay City. She came up to me and asked if she could take pictures of the kids then a short interview will follow. Very nice Mae said she can't help but notice our little family that she said she'll include TEAM YAP in her review of the hotel for the award winning website WHEN IN MANILA. I was especially thrilled that she saw how good a time our family was having. Check out her extra feature of TEAM YAP in Lake View Hotel by clicking this link :

I was grateful to Ms. Mae Ilagan because after learning that she has her own blog, I bombarded her with questions and she patiently answered each one plus added extra tips!!!! She was very helpful and gave tons of advice for my blog posts to effectively appear in search engines.:)

Check out EATS A DATE
(Awardee of Best Photo Blog Globe Tattoo Awards 2013)

Of course I saved the Mr. Big guy for the last. I would really like to give the highest of hi-fives and salute to the awesomeness of Mr. Spanky Enriquez. I'm really thankful that he took notice of EricJaz Foodies blog no matter how silly it is. You would have probably encountered his kick ass posts in facebook and believe me, his articles are more passionately funny but ultimo clever in Juice.Ph. He is such a fun guy to be with and no matter how big a crowd there is he'll chat you up like an old friend. Somebody described him to me as a "cowboy" and yes, he IS the boss of the cowboys at that!

Check out his articles at JUICE.PH


Now I would just like to share my pics with chefs or foodie personalities that got me soooo starstruck! These guys truly rocked and based from the pictures I cannot hide my excitement to be near such greatness!

The "Ramen Nazi" of Ukokkei Ramen Ron (see that post HERE !!!) who was not as mean as I thought he would be based on other blogs. He was actually very shy and quiet. I was thrilled that he let me have a picture with him even if he was a bit busy with the kitchen. See? He's a gentleman!!

Chef Laudico when Yub took me out to his restaurant for Valentimes 2012!!!

Mr. Christian Bautista....

Wait a minute... He's not a foodie personality???

Oh well! I saw him while eating at CIRCLES in Edsa Shangrila with my friends for my birthday so I guess he'd count as a foodie person. 

Ha ha ha ha ha! Kidding!

Mr. Hubert U. Young, Managing Director of Aji-No-Chinmi Co., Inc., the group that manages UCC Coffee chain, and Mitsuyado Sei Men among others. I got so excited when he said he has read my blog post about his restaurant. There was a time I got so addicted with his cheese tsukemen and I think he knows a person in love (with food) when he sees one. 

Mr. Sandy Daza! My officemates from EAT BULAGA and I ate at WOODEN SPOON and Mr. Kitchenomics himself (produced by EB during it's airing) was there! 

Talk about a mini reunion!

He is still cute by the way!

Pic grabbed from When in Manila

Of course, this post regarding my favorite food blogs and chefs ends with MY favorite foodies and how much I L-O-V-E them!!!

And this is us! Oh I wonder when will I have the nerve to change our profile pic! Hah aha ha h!

Anyway, I hope I didn't come off too "Misery" for you. I just love expressing my admiration to those whom I really respect and look up to. 

But JIN of JIN LOVES TO EAT, better watch out... being my OTHER favorite blogger, I have got my EYES on you! Hopefully my husband and I could ambush you for a picture too! (He has a crush on her by the way!)

When you can, do find the time to stalk my favorite bloggers as well. Believe me, life will be more deliciously beautiful for you....

...because it has certainly inspired mine to be deliciously silly and fun as well!!

Let's ALWAYS eat!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Yub for putting up with my jokes and eating with me even if you don't like the food at the resto! Ha ha ha ha! Sucker! Kidding! Love you!

  2. Awww thanks for the Rina's Rainbow mention in your cool cool blog Jaz and Eric! More power to you guys!:-) keep the funny entries coming!:-)

    1. And what I said above is really what I feel about your Mommy blog that's why I check it regularly :) It makes me miss being a mom to a wee baby!!! :) You're doing such a great job! Baby Rain (and of course Richie) are very blessed!

      Thanks! I'm glad you think we're funny :)

  3. Thank you for your kind words Jaz.. This really touched my heart. I am so thankful that my blog has given me the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people, which now include you and eric!

    Looking forward to reading more of your adventures :)

    1. Basta Direk Richie, I'll always yell to the highest mountains how much you inspired us and that we really owe you a lot with your simple words of encouragement. It's so true :) You could even ask my friends how many time I quote what you said to me before. Now I'm doing something I REALLY love and knowing that it makes readers smile just gives me a different kind of high. Thanks talaga :) God bless your family always (plus yaya!! )

  4. This made my day. :) Thank you for reading my blog, I enjoy reading this blog as well. :)

    To more food trips!!!

    1. Hiya Michymichymoo! Thank you! Your appreciation of this post made my day also. Really! I'm sure you know how great it feels when you make people smile with something that you did for love talaga. :) Yes to more food trips!!!

  5. Hi Jaz, thank you! Great to be included in your list, see ya soon! And here's to more food trips!

    1. Hiya The Food Dude! Of course you'll be included in my list even if I cannot move on from your win at Malcolm's hahaha! You are and will always be, a cool dude too! Cheers! Wohoo!

  6. Wow, thank you! We are beyond thrilled. Kaka-touch naman. I do have stalker tendencies myself (as the Backstreet Boys may possibly attest). Unfortunately, work gets in the way.

    Looking forward to seeing you in the next food trip! Here's to more food and travel! :)

    1. You know what Lynne? I am very thankful of what I have right now and I NEVER get jealous of others superficial items (clothes, money, restaurants been to, expensive bags....). The ONLY THING that gets me green with envy is TRAVEL TRAVEL TRAVEL!!! AND you and your guy's blog really inspired me to think that the world is indeed a wonderful place to explore with the significant other. I love that you guys are in London right now. It's my dream place talaga especially the museums, castles, and of course Abbey Road. We're saving up for it... hay sana soon!!! Take care you sexy couple you! :)

      Btw, I checked out your wedding video! Ha ha ha! Kidding! (Or am I??)

  7. See you soon, Stalker and Eric : )

    1. He he he! See you soon! Picture picture uli "pag may time.....". Kidding!

  8. It's the whole Foodie Family! :)
    It's like the mafia.
    I can imagine Spanx saying, "Leave the Gun. Take the Cannoli'.
    Sooo... it's now the Chinese Stalker and the regular ol' Stalker? :)

    1. Ha ha ha ha! And if they won't give us the cannoli, "I'll make them an offer they can't refuse". Then if the chinese stalker wipes out the food at the table, I'll go "It's not personal Sonny, it's strictly business..." Tee hee!!!

      Or it could also be the Chinese Stalker and "Annette Benning" stalker since feeling ko kamukha ko siya. Ha ha ha ha ha!

  9. Wow. This is the first I'm in something liked this. It was great meeting you.

    1. Hi Mr. Richard! Truly likewise!! Hope to meet your wife soon too! BTW, if you have a raffle of THAT Anchorman shirt, give it to ... my hub ha? (Yes... my hub!) Ha ha ha! Kidding :) Thanks again for being very nice with my kulit questions then.

    2. anytime. Hopefully we can get together again soon.

  10. Thanks for including me on your list Jaz! It was nice meeting you and your yub :) See you around!

    1. Hiya dear Yedy! Of course! I never forget kindness from people I just met! Hope to see you soon para we could chika as well :) Take care :)

  11. Hi Jaz, thanks again! You are awesome!

    1. Right back atya the food dude (Kuya Gerry)! You're awesome right back!!!
