
Friday, November 30, 2012


I had an agreement with my best friend (or BGP as I call her, which stands for Best Gal Pal), that we will go out with our irritating boys every Friday. It has also been agreed that we will only cancel during cases where one of us has something more important to attend to or if we just have to see other friends. (But in my case, I am so friendless... Nobody loves little ol' me... - cue in "Yagit" song... huhuhu!) 

JUST KIDDING! Anyway, if both of us are free, then we are each other's "dates".

So on one particular Friday, me and Eric (the Yubskers) met up BGP Marian and her guy Fred at Greenbelt 3 supposedly to eat at Chili's since I was craving for something American that night. Unfortunately for some odd reason, everybody seemed to crave the same thing as we were the 15th in line!!! (Curses!!!)

... just in case you still want to see what EricJaz Foodies would normally have in Chili's, click THIS!!

So Yub, little Andrei, and I walked around then bumped into this restaurant that did not really have a megaphone or loud music... but it was calling out to us... 

"Eat here...."

We certainly had other options but the coziness and feel of the restaurant was very inviting. Plus, when somebody stepped out after what seemed like a lip-smacking dinner, we got a whiff of what was being served inside and it REALLY made our mouths water.

So we then went to LORENZO'S WAY...

LORENZO's WAY is from the LJC group of restaurants which brought you the classic goodies such as CAFE ADRIATICO, ABE, FELY J's, ANG BISTRO SA REMEDIOS, CAFE HAVANA, and LARRY'S CAFE and BAR. If you love fine Filipino food concocted to a whole different level then you should at least try 4 of their restaurants, if not all. 

That Mr. Larry Cruz (owner) CERTAINLY knows how to make great, classy Filipino food!

So after TEAM YAP was seated, BGP Marian and her hub Manong Fred followed. 

Don't let his bulging eyes scare you. I think he was abducted by aliens around 10 years ago. I'm not really sure. (tee hee)..

... maybe that explains how he got my pretty best friend to marry him!

Kidding! We love you Fred!! Please have a normal pic with us soon!

I'm not against new technology but I would love kids today to do real activities rather than burying their faces in their ipads or psp's! I told little Andrei that I would only let him play his PSP after 2 conditions 1) He should draw 2 pages in his journal and 2) He should finish his food!

I guess he was pretty hungry as well because he did not complain at all. Normally it would take LOTS of negotiations before I could make him finish his food!!!

See my little Andrei diligently drawing on his hard bound notebook?

I love Andrei but let me warn you that you not should be fooled by his "Angelic" face. See his 2 puyo's? He is one of THE NAUGHTIEST boy I know. My baby is not really hyperactive or bratty... Andrei is VERY clever in teasing or making "alaska". 

One time while they were swimming, Mati's friend was joking that Andrei is small... What did my baby do?

He REPEATEDLY threw that boy's slippers at the deepest end of the grown up's pool! 
Yup! I think he made Mati's friend cry. Ha ha ha ha!

Sorry, but going back to LORENZO's way... see how cozy it is? Call me sentimental but I love bright hanging yellow lights. It gives the resto a majestic, royal, but comfortable mood.

(Yup! That's Fred's face when he's not exerting the mightiest effort to making his eyes bulge like Mr. Beans. Pogi o!)

ERICJAZ foodies!!!

We ordered some BAMBOO RICE (P240) which was rice served in a... bamboo? Ha ha ha! But yes, this is definitely a must-try in LORENZO's WAY (also in ABE) because the rice is so flavorful and tasty that it would definitely compliment the rich "ulams" that you would order.

I love how the mushrooms give the rice an extra layer of "earthy" flavor. You would definitely shovel tablespoonfuls of this once you open the bamboo!

Their bamboo rice is definitely not dry but not oily as well! It was just all very delicious! YUM!

We were hoping for some chicharon bulaklak to go with our meal but was dismayed that it is not available in their restaurant. We then decided to just have CRISPY BABY SQUIDS (P165) as alternative and it certainly did not disappoint. 

At least we crunched and munched on something a little bit healthier than the chicharon bulaklak! Ha ha ha ha!

I wonder who ordered this garlic rice???? He he he he! (P65.00)

My eldest brother would usually treat us to CAFE ADRIATICO and we always ordered this dish. I am not really sure if this was the exact same viand that we have come to obsess with before but I would really like to check it out. 

So after protests from Fred (since he did not really fancy bangus) I ordered the BANGUS BELLY WITH KANG KONG BALACHAN (P350).

It was not really the buttery and creamy fish dish which we always ate at Cafe Adriatico. I guess I became too excited at the prospect of eating my childhood favorite that I chose to ignore the description noting that it had this seasoning similar to bagoong.

Oh well... Nevertheless, this was still a good order and I would like to have it again the next time I eat at Lorenzo's way. It's still very good with the Bamboo rice :)

Yeeehawwww!!! Let's eat!

By the way, my little Andrei is doing that on purpose. He does not like having his picture taken in group shots. It's either that or he would cover my face using his hands. You'll see a picture of that soon enough. 

Here's the one with flash... he he he he he!

Lefover Bangus and Noodles...


Huwatttt? We have CRISPY PATA??? Where did this sprout from???

Ha ha ha! I guess we were so hungry that I was not able to take a picture of this. If you ask me if this is good, I'll just answer back "Check out the picture"... Yes, it was like GONE in SIXTY seconds. I don't think I was able to get even a knuckle because I was concentrating TOO much on my Bangus order. Ha ha ha ha!

Bamboo rice wiped out...

Hey I WAS able to get a small portion of that knuckle! I guess my loving hubbie snuck me out one from his hungry hands! He he he!

Yup, he may forget anniversaries but he will NOT forget putting food on his wife's plate.

TEAM YAP forever!!!

Almost finished! That's me still sucking that bone dry!!!


For after dinner sweets, we would usually have coffee or ice cream at another restaurant but I guess the mesmerizing food of LORENZO's WAY made us stay and PIG OUT.

Yes we certainly did! Because normally, we would just order 1 dessert with several teaspoons. For some reason, we ordered sweets for EACH of us. 

Yup including that hard to feed Andrei :)

Pecan Pie for the BGP (P165). She let me try this and I swear if she was not my best bud, I would have wiped this clean when she was not looking. Yummm....  Creamy and crunchy! 

After behaving the whole night and drawing several pages on his journal, Andrei earned the right to play PSP AND order dessert! His choice was CLAUDE's DREAM (P120).

He loved the jelly and the very delectable macapuno ice cream. Unlike my best friend, my own son did not let me try this. 

ERICJAZ ordered the BANANA CHOCOLATE VOLCANO (P175). The name says it all... Chocolate... Volcano... Burnt Bananas... PURE AWESOMENESS!!!

When my fork dugged in to the moist chocolate bundt cake, chocolate fudge just oooozed out. Yum!

Till death do us part? FORGETABODAT!!! This one's mine!!!

I think Fred ordered the same thing as well.

My hub, the usual ordinary foodie that he is, ordered ESPESYAL NA TURON (P95). I was able to get a bite out of this and it was good. If you're wary of the millions of calories their other desserts have to offer, then this is the ESPESYAL one por yu! HA HA HA HA!



Lorenzo's Way
Greenbelt 5
G/F Greenbelt 5, Legaspi St
Legazpi Village, Makati
(02) 729-0047

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