
Monday, February 27, 2012

HONG KONG EATS (What TEAM YAP grubbed day 3 and 4)

We are celebrating the kids' birthdays in Hong Kong 2 months AFTER their real birthdays (see my weird but rational explanation HERE !!!) and we are on day 3 and 4 of our HK foodfest!!! 

(Jaz - "Like our previous WHAT WE GRUBBED series, there would be no sight seeing shots here.... okay just a little bit then. But mostly food!")

We woke up extra early because we will be going to DISNEYLAND!! Wohoo!!!

Yey!!! Here we are in the HAPPIEST PLACE on earth!!! Excited that we are finally here with the kids!!!

Mati LOVED the cotton candy in Disneyland and he really wanted to have one as soon as we stepped inside. 

Check out  3 year old Mati enjoying his first cotton candy in DISNEYLAND Los Angeles.

And it was the start of a beautiful friendship.

Which he gets to celebrate once or twice in 2 years... he he he he!

My little Andrei, the monkey see monkey do boy, immediately followed suit and insisted to have his own cotton candy. He dare not get a taste from Kuya Mati. He has to have his own ASAP!

I would normally tell him to try out Kuya Mati's cotton candy first since he is known not to finish anything his whole life but he begged and begged. I thought then, "Okay fine, we are ON vacation."

And I was glad I did because how could you resist this cute little face??? HOW???!!!!

BUT unlike Kuya Mati, who could finish his cotton candy in a jiffy, Andrei was taking a bit of a longer time and his cotton candy seemed so sweet, fruity, and fluffy. So we decided to help him out.

Oh he cried so HARD after this picture was taken. HA HA HA HA!!!

While waiting our turn for the WINNIE THE POOH  ride, we had a bit of popcorn!

For lunch we had some topped rice.... 

And bowls of hot noodles!!!

Mati was a choosy eater this time...

Because he CHOSE to eat the noodles AND the topped rice!!! He he he he!

As for me, I only want to eat this one thing in DISNEYLAND...

My ever favorite DISNEYLAND Mickey waffle!

OH THIS WAS SOOOOOO GOOD!!! If I was not watching my 33 inch waistline, I will eat 3 more of this!!!! 

So since I was on a diet but wanted to indulge, I did not offer a bite to my sons. They tried but I didn't. A small bite would just ruin my computation!!


I offered a bite. To Andrei. And he declined. 


I know we said that we will let Mati and Andrei eat the specials of Hong Kong grub only for the whole trip but they begged to have some Mcdonalds in their system. Since they were good boys in Disneyland, we agreed. 

We thought as well that we SHOULD eat in MCDONALD'S branches in other countries because they do serve different food from the next. It is an experience too to compare the MCDONALD'S from different countries :)

In MCDONALDS Hong Kong we remember they have chili wings and no rice!!! He he he he he!

While the kiddies happily ate and gobbled everything up Yub and I were excited to eat Hong Kong street food for dinner!!!!

I got for meself a bowl of Schezuan noodles. I know I have a high tolerance for spicy food (i eat siling labuyo with my rice and meat!!!) so when the nice noodle guy asked if I wanted spicy, I eagerly answered "YES!"

But wow... his noodles were SO spicy!!! After 3 chopstickfuls of the noodles, my mouth and tongue were all flaring up!!!

The nice noodle guy offered to "wash down" the chili with a new serving of soup. Though it is more edible now, it still burned my insides.

Great noodles but SO hot!!!

And I don't mean the Paris Hilton kinda way!

My yub helped himself to some balls! As if he didn't have some already.

I WAS REFERRING to the earlier balls he ordered! What do you think of me? Thinking of you???

Tee hee!!!

I was impressed that my hub, a very finicky eater, loved the spicy curry sauce that the balls were swimming in. 

Everything was so hot and rich!!! Perfect for the chilly weather!

While we ate, the little lords waited for us and played PSP to their heart's content. They dared not taste the streetfood as they were still full and happy from MCDONALDS.

Okay! They were on vacation anyways!

Dessert time!

It was certainly love at first bite for us and these mini-waffles!

I think we had about 2 orders of egg and 2 orders of chocolate to cap off the night!!!

For our last day, we checked out what we could have for breakfast in the hotel....

Our last brekky at ROYAL PLAZA!!! We will miss you!

After a morning of shopping, we had some of Mati's favorite noodles for the last time in our trip!

Good bye delicious ramen!!! Till next time!

Mati was saying good bye so hungrily!!!

Our sizzling beef bulgogi!!! This was so good too!!!

This was the way towards the mall food court. I thought of taking a picture of it so I would not forget the memorable times we would yell there and create echoes in the long hall!!


The boys played some KARATEY in the airport!

Before our flight we had some dimsum!!

The airport restaurant offered dimsums similar to what we have in CAUSEWAY or GLORIAMARIS but we were getting a bit sentimental here... 

... so we ate with mucho gusto as we bid sayonara to Hong Kong.

Wait that's in Japanese.


THANKS Hong Kong!!! Hope to see you soon again! We had fun eating with you!!!


Check out our other WHAT WE GRUBBED series!!!

HONG KONG EATS - day 1 and 2 (click ZHELI !!)

USA EATS  (click HERE !!!)

ITALY EATS (click ECCO !!! )


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