
Thursday, March 17, 2011


I know what you are thinking...

Yes, besides how you are sending a mental handshake to Liam Hemsworth for breaking it up with Miley Cyrus because of her love for "twerking", I know that you guys may be groaning again and thinking:

"ERICJAZ, come on?!!!! What gives?!! ANOTHER Ramen post?!!"

Well... I could just be lazy and say "This is our blog so just read all the ramen posts we could come up with..."

OR, I could be all sweet and nice and give you a hug then defend this move by exclaiming that I cannot NOT include Ramen Bar because uncool as it may seem, it ignited our love for the Japanese noodle dish.

Yes, please lambast ERICJAZ Foodies that we are somehow very "commercial".  He he he!

And please, do correct me if I'm wrong because RAMEN BAR did start the trend of Filipino slurping at every nook and cranny. And even if ramen greats like Ukokkei and Shinjuku have been with us longer, RAMEN BAR was somehow the firework that lighted up this passion for Ramen in the Metro!

And if it is not yet obvious for ERICJAZ FOODIES, where ever people are eatin', we are goin'!

We are cool that way!

You : (cough cough... not!)


It was my better half's week long birthday celebration (yep, that's how Team YAP does it) and one of my treats for him is our first time dinner at RAMEN BAR!

Why hello there Mark Anthony! I'll be stalking you later!

RAMEN BAR in Eastwood was quite spacious, well lit and had that simple chic vibe going on. 

You could also while your time in RAMEN BAR by checking out their cutesy patootsie cartoons!

Haaay... I miss the cartoon show Candy Candy....

Not that I was already born in the 1980s... my older friends just told me about it. Yes that's what I meant.... He he he he! (wink wink!)

... and just in case you feel like going to RAMEN BAR's restrooms, it's hidden in the corner :)

I swear that this is the first time I really ate in a specialty Ramen store that I asked the waitress "Which one here is similar to the broth of Nissin's Ramen?"

Hence, the face of the RAMEN BAR waitress... ha ha ha ha ha!

After she left.... 

Me : "Well? Which one is it???"

I could just choose from RAMEN BAR'S special menu if I want to!

We loved the water glasses at RAMEN BAR. So simple yet so original and durable. The glass is so thick I doubt if it will break if Andrei accidentally drops it!

My little guys liked it too and practiced drinking from it....

Until he got a full tummy!

He he he he he!

Yoda: A foodie.... He is not... MMMMM?

The birthday boy ordered RAMEN BAR's Yakiniku Beef  Topping (P165.00).

My husband forgot to ask the servers to remove the vegetables, his edible waterloo.... 

But he was so excited to eat his RAMEN BAR beef bowl that he immediately dug in!

Andrei saw that his Daddy was enjoying his RAMEN BAR beef so much that he tried to fend himself a piece using his chopsticks!

Yub also ordered RAMEN BAR'S Chahan (japanese fried rice P120.00) to go with his beef. Upon a chopstickful of this rich carb, he fretted a bit thinking he could have gone without the other one.... The fried rice was already jampacked with ingredients that it was a perfect meal in itself!!!

Well my Andrei could sneak out beef strips from his Daddy while Yub could fret all he wants with his chahan  but I will just have THIS!

RAMEN BAR'S Shio Ramen (P280.00)!

In their menu it was described as a salt based noodle soup with tamago egg, nori strip, and chasyu slabs....

I would describe it as a big bowl of Japanese heaven!!! Every spoonful of the broth would make you want to slurp some more! The Ramen was perfectly chewy to the bite! The toppings just added another depth of flavor to every slurpful!!!

This is so good, I dare not share!!!


But I did thought of it... Ha ha ha ha ha!

Also ordered some of RAMEN BAR'S Edamame (Soy bean pods) to nibble on in between slurps of the noodles! 


This is the face of somebody who is so hungry that he is not anymore willing to do my usual "about to eat shots". HA HA HA HA!

As much as I wanted to keep my RAMEN BAR noodles all to myself, little Andrei was so cute that I just have to give him half of it all.

Tee hee....

He loved the RAMEN BAR noodles so much that he made a little dance using his hands!

My Chinese stalker finally got his RAMEN BAR fill and was now willing to do my usual food shots with him as model!

Give me a smile huh give a smile!!! 

Since we were celebrating his weeklong birthday, we ordered RAMEN BAR's Tempura Ice Cream (P150.00)

I lighted him a candle and we sang Happy Birthday to him. Forgot to take a picture though.... He he he he!

Little Master Andrei commandeered Yub's birthday dessert for himself! Ha ha ha!

My little guy enjoyed it so much and finished the whole plate! He did give us a tablespoon or 2 to try!

Since we enjoyed our first meal at RAMEN BAR so much, we came back with a vengeance with our first born Mati!

He was not able to join us the first time since he wanted to go with his Lolo and Lola for that night. Ha ha ha ha!

Little Mati's front permanent teeth just grew and he was not yet used to using it for his food! :) 

Little Andrei though was very supportive and wanted to give him a hug while he was eating his RAMEN BAR bowl. This made my Mati very annoyed! Ha ha ha ha!

But annoyed or not, Mati was still able to finish one big RAMEN BAR Shio noodles all by himself! :)

Last May, 2013, I dragged my husband to eat at RAMEN BAR once more because I got a craving to try their Spicy ramen!

My husband, the non-Ramen eater (boo), ordered his usual favorite the RAMEN BAR Karaage (P155.00).

I think there are about 4 or 5 chunks of this flavorful meat which comes with a simple salad and a teaspoon of their special salt!

Yub touches neither and just gobbles up the RAMEN BAR fried chicken!!!

As for me, my new favorite in RAMEN BAR is their Spicy Karaage (P280.00)!

This is my new love in RAMEN BAR... Spicy broth with their very tasty Karaage chicken!



.... and in no time.... :)

He he he!

Ramen Bar
Eastwood Mall
G/F Eastwood Mall, E. Rodriguez Jr. Ave.
Bagumbayan, Quezon City
(02) 570-9457


  1. Eric and Jaz.. you are indeed a witty family, bump into you guys soon!

    1. Hiya Manila Stone! Your comment will give me a very wide smile before I go to sleep! Thank you so much!!!! We had a lot of fun eating and writing about it as well! See you soon too! Take care 
