
Tuesday, March 21, 2023


I know it might be too late by the time I post this, but I cannot just ignore CHRISTMAS especially that we had another blessed celebration this year. 

Of course, I would have preferred for my Dad and BGP Mariane to be with us, still, we are celebrating the birthday of Jesus and it always bring a feeling of gratitude and comfort in my heart. Happy too that we have a new member in the family to party on during this holiday season. 

So with that, thankful we are once again together for Christmas, thankful that we did our usual traditions (most especially the picture by the tree... tee hee) and most of all, thankful FOR ALL THE FOOD. Ha ha ha ha ha!

May be a belated Merry Christmas coming from ERICJAZ FOODIES, but still, here we are. He he he he he!

ENJOY! I know we did!

YOOO to the HOO!!!