
Saturday, November 26, 2016


One Sunday, THE YAPPY BUNCH forgot that it was a school night the next day and just proceeded to have a family night out. We reasoned, we all had a loooong nap that afternoon, so we could stay up late a little bit longer.

And we thought of having our favorite IPPUDO RAMEN but this time at the new UPTOWN PLACE MALL in BGC!

We are starting to love UPTOWN PLACE MALL in BGC because it is is great place to hang out with the kids besides Rockwell.

The first time I saw the big and colorful fountain, I knew that my little bunsoy would fall in love with it. He just LOVES fountains with a capital EL!

Tee hee!

Thursday, November 24, 2016


It's the surprise birthday of our favorite Henyo and I was invited, along with my favorite TAPE INC., ladies to this celebration that was full of laughter, love, and LAMON!


Wednesday, November 23, 2016


It's a long All Soul's and All Saint's weekend! And like what we have been doing every year, we shall have it in Lucena, Quezon Province!

UNDAS in Lucena, 2016!

Ever since Yub's Dad, passed away, we have been in Lucena every year for All Soul's day.

Monday, November 21, 2016


One weekend, I met up with BGP Mariane and Manong Fred for a mini-play date of our boys Andrei and Paolo. I suggested that we try out the new KIDZOONA in UPTOWN PLACE MALL because since it recently opened, it's more likely that it is not as crowded as its Robinsons Galleria counterpart.

And yup! I was right!

I'm thankful that even if my boy is a bit older than little Pao Pao, they are also becoming fast best guy pals! If it we're the opposite, what a nightmare that might be considering that me and the BGP are always together. At least, with Andrei and PaoPao being great friends, Best Gal Pal Mariane and I have MORE reasons to set up meet ups!

And with KIDZOONA in UPTOWN PLACE MALL, we have found a place that's not only a great play-area for kiddies but it was also a suitable place for BGPs to be together as well!!!!


KIDZOONA is located in the second level of UPTOWN PLACE MALL that's near the escalator going up to the food court.

Friday, November 18, 2016


Christmas is now all around!

You could already see it...
You could already feel it...
Heck, you could even smell it...

Even if we have more than a month away until the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, days would still go by like seconds. And before you know it, you're stuck with the Christmas rush and you'll not be able to fully enjoy the warmth of the holiday season.

Fear not because MARCO POLO ORTIGAS will take care of you during the holidays by giving a unique and magical Christmas!

Check out what's in store in this happiest season of the year!!  

For the month of November, you'll experience the MAGICO NATALE: SPECTACULAR VENETIAN CELEBRATIONS at MARCO POLO!!!

Feel the festivities and romance of the piazzas of Italy as MARCO POLO gives you the glowing feel of Venice!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2016


We've already got a lot of reasons to love OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE because their food never fails to satisfy even the hungriest or choosiest of diners. Imagine my surprise though when I received an invite to try out their new items on the menu because really, how COULD it get any better right?

Believe me it did. And on so many levels!

Our triumph on discovering these new OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE dishes is bittersweet because it's only offered for a limited time. So I guess that serves as a reminder (or a warning) that you need to go IMMEDIATELY to OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE.

Check out the food AND fun that we so recently had in OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE in Citywalk, Eastwood. And I'm sure you'll be rushing out to savor these hot dishes in no time!!!




THE YAPPY BUNCH were having a stormy staycation in CANYON COVE and we are having so much fun!

Yes!!!! LOADS of it!

Honestly, we didn't expect much in that CANYON COVE weekend because of the rains. We thought, we'll just be boo-hooing and moping inside our rooms because of the bad weather.  But what happened yesterday was so far from it. For the first time, THE YAPPY BUNCH swam in the beach and happily faced the strong splashes of the waves while rain was pouring. We got the pool area to ourselves too because only a handful of guests checked in due to the news of the storm.

So unexpectedly, it was a really perfect vacation!!!

And the great thing is, we have one more day to do it all over again!!!!! 


Tuesday, November 15, 2016


If there's one thing I confirmed ever since I started writing for ERICJAZ FOODIES, is that no matter how much I pride myself in keeping my promises.... 



I'm not really starving myself to be paper thin. Actually, I'm just watching what I eat for health purposes and to maintain my (already) hot figure (;P). So yes, I would still go to my favorites and TRY my ultimate "bestest" to control my food intake. HOWEVER, there are just some restaurants that get me powerless and make me break every dietary promise known to man.

And one of them for me is THE GRILL BOY.

THE GRILL BOY is now one of our top favorites when we want to have Filipino food. No, we don't go there because it's cheap or that it's fast. We eat there because the food is just superkaduper delicious. PERIOD.

I swear, every time the Chinese Dimpol and I go to THE GRILL BOY, I come up with different "levels" of promises: "I'll not have rice" to "If ever I have rice, I'll only eat half", and then "I'll just lessen my craving for fatty food for tonight."

But as expected, I break each one of them.

Yup. EACH. SINGLE. PATHETIC. ONE. OF THEM. In my futile attempt at "balik-alindog" program.

Oh well. Considering that we just LOVE going back there again and again, I think it would really help if I just get myself out of denial and enjoy the deliciousness offered by THE GRILL BOY.

Yup! To think that they always have new dishes!!!

At least by freeing myself from "dietary commitment" when I visit THE GRILL BOY, I would always indulge in addicting Filipino comfort food known to the hungry man.

Without breaking ANY sort of futile promise! He he he he he he he he!

And we're back in THE GRILL BOY!

We were so hungry and got a bit "concerned" with the line. Good thing service was fast and efficient that we were able to order in no time!

YIHIIII! Now this OUR kind of date night!!!!

Monday, November 14, 2016


ERICJAZ FOODIES met up with Best Galpal Mariane and Manong Fred in UPTOWN PLACE MALL. And in deciding where to eat, we thought of trying out the new HARRY'S in the top floor.


Friday, November 11, 2016


THE YAPPY BUNCH were having a stormy but grand day in CANYON COVE and after all that swimming, running, and playing, we were all hungry for dinner. 

For tonight though, we decided to just stay in the resort and eat at their restaurant!

Thursday, November 10, 2016


THE YAPPY BUNCH were on the way to CANYON COVE for a weekend staycation, and we were a FAM with a PLAN.

You might say we're planning ahead on the different activities that we'll be doing in the resort, OR, what we'll be wearing to show off our VERY sexy bodies, OR, how many miles we'll be jogging at the beach at the break of dawn.


Darkness my old friend??

This silly little blog is not called ERICJAZ FOODIES for nothing. So most naturally, before even thinking about the trivial things such as what we'll wear OR what we'll do OR what we'll look like, we'll focus on the MOST important for us as a family in times of need.

FOOD! Har de har har!

So while plotting our way to CANYON COVE, the Chinese Dimpol was already looking for restaurants to try out in the area. And the one he got the most curious of was KAINAN SA DALAMPASIGAN.  The reviews garnered by the restaurant were all positively constant: diners kept on raving about the delicious AND affordable dishes. It's like, if you're going to that area of Batangas, you CANNOT not eat there. It will be a sacrilege to the likes of Mark Wiens, the Lonely Planet, Anthony Bourdain, or pareng Steve Zimmerman. KAINAN SA DALAMPASIGAN was already a traveler's custom and not trying it might be going against the forces of foodie nature. He he he he he he he he he!

So eat there we did. And wow. We really enjoyed the food. It was certainly a great choice for us to officially start our Batangas staycation.

Thank gulay for thinking ahead and being always hungry. He he he he he he he!


KAINAN SA DALAMPASIGAN is about 10-15 minutes from CANYON COVE (if you're passing by Cavitex).  When you get to Nasugbu Town proper, look for R. Martinez street to get there.

It might be hard finding it especially that the entrance is hidden under trees and this tricycle might still be there covering the sign. :P

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


THE YAPPY BUNCH is having a stormy staycation at CANYON COVE HOTEL and we are having an awesome time!

Awesome time you say? How is that possible during a storm????

That was also what I thought at first. But reservations and payments have already been made, and we cannot reschedule it anymore since we only availed of the promo of CANYON COVE at Metrodeal. So I guess we all had no choice but to go through with the weekend. As long as there are no dangerous strong winds or heavy duty rainfalls that might submerge the whole resort, we're good! Of course, the typhoon was in Metro Manila but there will still be rains in the resort.

How are we going to have then?

Read on and find out!


Tuesday, November 8, 2016


ERICJAZ FOODIES was invited by MARCO POLO MANILA one Saturday to try out their AFTERNOON TEA. And since having refreshments ala Downton Abbey is not really the Chinese Dimpol's type of thing, I just invited the next best person who is actually MORE adorable, MORE fun to be with, and MORE cute, than the Yubhub.... 

My bunsoy Andrei!!!

He's my "Matthew"! 

I just need to ignore that Downton Abbey character's untimely demise!

As much as it's fun to be out as a whole family, there is a certain kind of personal enjoyment when I have one-one dates with my boys. When I have these dates, my son behaves differently and is more confident in sharing his feelings. Of course, I will still promote family togetherness, but once in a while, it's nice to be all alone and have our own kind of date night. That's why the AFTERNOON TEA at MARCO POLO was perfect for us that Saturday. It's something different that my bunsoy and I could do!

Monday, November 7, 2016


Little Baby Izh, as I would always call her, was in Manila for a vacation recently, and was FINALLY able to squeeze us in for a meet-up. She's a flight attendant who lives in California and has always been my favorite little niece/brat (via my fatherside cousin).

Friday, November 4, 2016


As you may know by now (if you haven't blocked us yet), the Chinese Dimpol and I love going out on date nights. Usually we have "insta-dates" when he picks me up from work. But our regular schedule is always on Saturday. Yu-uh! We really try our best to NEVER miss that!

Yes date nights are very important for us and my ideal Saturdate is when we do it the "classic
" way with dinner and a movie. You could say that we're "old-style" like that. He he he he he he! Some may brush off date nights reasoning that they could just download the movie or that dinners out could be expensive. But really. When there's a will, there's a way. It's important that you get out from the usual routine and be alone to act like GF/BF. And while we were just going out, the Yub and I love eating and watching movies! I admit that with films, there are some that we could just download for home. But there is just something about dressing up and snuggling inside a big, dark, movie house with the sounds a-blaring that makes the night more memorable.

Of course, date nights need not to be expensive. Besides the cliche of "what's important is that you and your hub are together", but there are actually some restaurants that serve delicious food that is very easy in the budget.

Yup! And that's how we discovered YANG CHOW in Powerplant Mall, our usual date place!!!! Yes, there may be other Chinese restaurants in Powerplant Mall that is more fitting for date night, but when you want to have MORE Chinese date nights (to fit your budget) that at the same fill you up happily, YANG CHOW is the road to go.

And guess what?   If you are with THE ONE, you two will still have a great time in YANG CHOW the same way when you are in a 5 star restaurant!

Check out my delicious date night in YANG CHOW with THE ONE.

Dan... dan... DANNNN!



YANG CHOW is a wee eatery that's located at the side of Marketplace, Powerplant Mall's grocery. 

Thursday, November 3, 2016


It's PIZZA NIGHT at TEAM MINA'S house and the verdict for the grub fest was our favorite DI' MARK'S PIZZA!!!!!

Yup! And DI' MARK'S is celebrating their 50th year of serving us their pizza goodness!!!!!

Lately, we have been regulars at Casa MINA for our usual movie night, chatter, and coffee!!!!

Sometimes, we would ride with them to try out a restaurant in the South. But most of the time, especially if the restaurant is small, we just order for delivery.

And because it has been years since we've had our favorite pizza, we're going for DI MARK'S tonight!!!! 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


There are many celebrations in a year but one event stands out because it caters to the macabre in me -- HALLOWEEN!!!

Yep! I just love watching horror stories, thriller movies, ghost stories, and tales of the beyond and afterlife. I cannot tell you how long I would spend time on youtube watching "GHOSTS CAUGHT ON TAPE". I also make it a point to stay at home on some weekends to watch halloween specials of "Magandang Gabi Bayan" and "Martin After Dark".

I'm glad that I'm not the only lone sheep who enjoys all the weirdness -- the Chinese Dimpol loves watching scary movies as well. One time when we were still dating, we saw "THE HAUNTING" in the moviehouse. At one point, he (obnoxiously) said "Hindi naman nakakatakot!!!" a little bit too loudly. Then as if on cue, the next scene gave out a shocking scare. With that, I swear to you, he screamed like a girl. LIKE. A. LITTLE. SCHOOLGIRL. Tipong falsetto pa na nanginginig!!! Everyone in the theatre really laughed out loud. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Instead of being embarrassed or pikon, both of us laughed along with the crowd as well. It was really a funny memory. Something I would love to act out for anyone who'll ask. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


With my addiction to watching and reading about the supernatural, comes my excitement in doing Halloween activities as well.  And of course, besides going to the cemetery on November 1, THE YAPPY BUNCH would not miss one of our favorite things to do during the scary season....