
Wednesday, August 31, 2016


As the cutie half of ERICJAZ FOODIES, I have always shown my love and affection for different types of cuisines.

(Oh and if you're wondering about The Chinese Dimpol, his love and affection is only for ME. HA!)

Seriously though, while my husband is such a finicky eater, I'm so open (AND loving) on international dishes. My addiction to food seem to be endless with cuisines from Filipino, American, Italian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, etc. etc. However, no matter how diverse my diet is, I realized that I have never been really exposed to Swiss food! Of course, there are the usual Swiss cheese platters or chocolates that I find in buffets or events. But come to think of it, I have never encountered main entrees from Switzerland in the Metro's hotel and restaurant spreads. That is probably one of the reasons why Filipino foodies are not that knowledgeable on the dishes that the land of Swiss watches, Swiss chocolates, and Swiss Knives that their countrymen are indulging in.

Now if your tummy is curious, head on over to CUCINA of MARCO POLO Ortigas. Because from August 19 to September 4, 2016, you'll be basking in the glory of...  


CUCINA is amping up the usual hotel buffet choices by cooking up the hottest favorites in SWISS CUISINE!

Yup!!! This may be the biggest theme buffet by MARCO POLO ORTIGAS, as they flew in MARCO POLO HONGKONG Executive Chef, Rolf Jaeggi, for this exclusive event. Chef Jaeggi is a Swiss borne culinary expert who has been concentrating on this cuisine for about 30 years.

So yes! If you want to taste authentic Swiss food, this guy DEFINITELY knows what he's cooking about!

ERICJAZ FOODIES recently visited MARCO POLO ORTIGAS to feast on the food that Switzerland has to offer!

As soon as we stepped in, the bright red and white flag of the country greeted us!


I think I have made no secret how much I love EAT BULAGA. Nope. Not because I've been working there for about 8 years already. But more on I grew up watching the country's longest running noon time show and have been a fan of Tito, Vic, and Joey's antics as long as I can remember.

To think I'm working with them now? Yup! Like what Hugh Grant said, "It's surreal... But nice!"

If you're a true blue EAT BULAGA fan who stay tuned to watch even the commercials, you would also see neverending advertisements on DAKAK PARK AND BEACH RESORT. Of course, at my age then, I was still not aware of the other premier summer destinations (like Boracay or Palawan). So when I saw the resort's pristine white sand, blue waters, classy room accommodations, and abundance of seafood, it became my childhood dream (or goal) to go there someday.

As I grew up, I forgot about DAKAK PARK AND BEACH RESORT because like I said, there were other more popular places to go to. Besides that, when I had a family of my own, I was suddenly more focused on the convenience of hotel staycations.

Lo and behold, my officemates from TAPE Inc., suddenly planned on booking a vacation there at what we all thought was a holiday weekend. At first I was hesitant because I'm really not that comfortable leaving my boys behind (who, even at their naughtiest, I always miss terribly). But then, the premise of having an all expense paid staycation (excluding airfare) at my childhood dream destination was a little too hard to reject.

So after a puppy-face pleading with the Chinese Dimpol, I was good to go for TAPE Inc., DAKAK PARK AND BEACH RESORT getaway!!! Yohooo! FINALLY! Even if it was a kiddie goal that was long forgotten, I suddenly felt all excited, hyped, and just sentimental at this wonderful blessing. I'm finally going!!!!

Too bad though that it was not with THE YAPPY BUNCH. But since it's all free, I'd go with the Kardashian-Wests if I had to!!! He he he he he!

Oh I'm kidding!

Of course, besides THE YAPPY BUNCH, I'm happy to be with the family other than MY family --- my officemates at TAPE Inc. And yes, to think that I was with people who I work with at MY favorite TV show, going to MY childhood fantasy getaway, is indeed something.

Yup! It is SO surreal but VERY nice.

So don't mind the excessive pics forcing me to make this into a 3-"parter". It was THAT fun and we didn't want to forget any minute of it!

And like what Kuya Jose and Wally said in their old DAKAK commercial "ANG SAYA SAYA DITO!!!!"  


It was a stormy Friday that's why I was extra early going to Tita Josie's condo because the rest of the group will pick us up from there.

Saturday, August 27, 2016


Life is all about simple joys. And for me, seriously, I get all happy and high when I get a whiff of freshly baked pandesal straight from the oven when I'm walking or driving somewhere.

While I was growing up, there used to be a panaderia in our street and we were blessed with the appetizing aroma every morning and during snack time. I don't know why but our friendly neighborhood panaderia closed shop and was replaced by something else. So now the scent of crusty bread and newly baked pandesal were no more. That's why whenever I'm at a street and the familiar smell of bakery love is there, I instantly get so sentimental and nostalgic.

Such are my feelings for KAMUNING BAKERY and my gratitude to Mr. Wilson Lee Flores for acquiring it. Imagine, this famous establishment has been baking our favorite Filipino baked goodies since 1939, and it has continuously done so the classic and "un-commercialized" way! Now why are we going to let it go?

I may not personally live in the neighborhood of KAMUNING BAKERY but the fact that it has been serving the people for 77 tears is enough for me to support it with full heart and tummy. And yes, though it may just be a little store, for us it shall always be the little bakery that could.

When you can, do visit KAMUNING BAKERY and relive the taste of freshly baked Filipino classics that have been enjoyed by many generations.

Now check out how this oldie livened one lazy Saturday afternoon for us!


KAMUNING BAKERY is located in the Jimenez corner K1st street of Quezon City. 

When you enter, it is like a trip back in time. Though the place has been renovated, they still remembered not to make it too modern. It's like your neighborhood bakeshop in the 70s!

Thursday, August 25, 2016


We were celebrating the birthday of dear Tita Grace and once again we found our lovely selves out loose in RESORT'S WORLD MANILA!

But this time, we will be in THE TERRACE!!!

THE TERRACE is located in the top floor of (whispers) RESORT'S WORLD MANILA at the Maxim side.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


THE YAPPY BUNCH were having a staycation in MERANTI HOTEL and when it was time for lunch, we were excited to learn that it was going to be in MAX'S RESTAURANT.

Sure there are other more hip places in the area that would be a more "fashionable" choice for us to feature in our silly foodie blog. But awcmown man, MAX'S is already a Filipino institution of our country's cuisine, that when it is part of the decision to be made, YOU GO FOR IT.

Yep. ALL caps are in order.

At least with MAX'S RESTAURANT, you are assured that you are going to have a helluva delicious meal. It hasn't been around for 71 years for nothing. When I was a kid, I remember that when my Dad would bring home boxes of MAX'S fried chicken, it was a happy day for us. Because not only would my Daddy bring home MAX's when he received a bonus at the office (he used to work in a multinational company) but he would also do so when he wins in the casino! Ha ha ha ha ha! Don't worry, he only played sporadically that we would even tell him "Please Daddy play more in the casino so you could bring home MAX'S Fried Chicken!"

Tee Hee! Happy memories. Nothing spells FOODIES more in the family when you encourage gambling just to get fried chicken. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The great thing about MAX'S RESTAURANT is that even if they are so famous for their fried chicken, they would always cook up more dishes that soon became our new favorites!

So read up and drool boys. Be jealous of our ultradelicious MAX'S RESTAURANT lunch. Maybe it's high time for you to head on to MAX'S and go back to its delicious home cooked meals that it has been serving for 71 years.



MAX's RESTAURANT is brought to us by MAX's GROUP which also owned MERANTI HOTEL, the place where we're staying in for the weekend.

After settling in, we were going to walk towards MAX'S restaurant which was just next to the hotel.

And we're here!

Do you know that this is the first MAX'S branch in the Philippines?

Yup! And now it's gone a long way from its humble home in Quezon City with about 127 branches in the Philippines! Not to mention serving its famous fried chicken in the US and Canada!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


THE YAPPY BUNCH escaped in the very cozy MERANTI HOTEL in Quezon City for a fun yet relaxing family staycation.

And as always, when we're checked in a hotel, we would get up extra earlier than usual even if we stayed up late. The reason? HOTEL BREAKFAST.

Yup! Because great food is ALWAYS worth getting up for.

And in MERANTI CAFE by MAPLE, you'll be risin' and shinin' with such a big smile because their breakfast will surely satisfy your morning tummy!!!!! 


Monday, August 22, 2016


ERICJAZ FOODIES was recently invited to try out the new meals from the INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES (IHOP) and we were beyond excited!

I remember that when IHOP first opened in BGC the lines were just unimaginable. The people who endured the long wait (ourselves included) were combinations of those who had tried their food from the US and those who just wanted to taste what the fuss was about. Too bad that those who really set up such over-the-top expectations on IHOP was disappointed. As for ERICJAZ FOODIES,  honestly, we still enjoyed it!

Sure, it tasted different from what we are used to here in Manila (because of the different ingredients)...

Sure, the servings may be smaller compared to the US (for pricing purposes)...

Sure, some of the dishes of the dishes from the US may not be available (either they prioritized more on the Filipino favorites OR, ingredients that were ordered from the US haven't arrived yet. They don't use substitutes!!!!)...


Because really, you shouldn't hype yourselves up just for the heck of it. IHOP has been serving hot platters of breakfast and main entrees for over 57 years so I'm sure they know what they are doing. And if you just set aside comparisons and expectations, you will also find something to enjoy in IHOP.

YEAH! Like what we always do! That's why we have fun in everything!

And in IHOP, they have new dishes in the menu to give you more reasons to come back for a visit. That's why with their ever growing list of foods to try out, I'm sure you'll find again something to enjoy too!


And we're back in IHOP! But this time, we're in Araneta Center!

IHOP Araneta Center is the second brand of the franchise to open in the Philippines. Soon there will be a total of 8 branches in Manila of this American favorite!!!!

Friday, August 19, 2016



Will you go for the popular restaurant, or your type of restaurant?

The expensive restaurant that draws celebrities, or the one that you'd rather go to with your family?

The restaurant that's the much awaited franchise to raid the Philippines, or the one that's been serving home-cooked meals for so long???

Yup. YOU will be the one to tell us which restaurant deserves...


DAN! DAN! DAN!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


THE YAPPY BUNCH recently stayed in MERANTI HOTEL for the weekend and when dinner was announced, I was excited to learn that it was going to be at MERANTI CAFE where they served food from MAPLE restaurant.

At first I was like YIHAAAAA!!!! The Chinese Dimpol and I had a very delicious dinner there before! But my happiness was short lived as I remembered that I was going to be attending an office party celebrating our anniversary.

Oh bollocks!!!!

I mean "yey"!

He he he he he!

Of course, in other office parties, you could control NOT to eat during dinner. But in my work, you would be crazy not to. The food is soooooo good that you'd feel like it's a mortal sin not to finish a whole plate!

And that is what I did.

So I said "Oh well... I'll just take pictures of the food and everyone having SO MUCH FUN. I'm so full to eat anything in my already bulging tummy anyways.

And then I was faced with THIS.


I'm in trouble now. 

Oh well... In the end, I just did what any sane person would do.


Don't judge me because I'm sure you would've done the same thing if you're served with Prime Rib.

Especially if it's from MAPLE!!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


I remember that JOEY'S PEPPERONI was a favorite of ERICJAZ FOODIES and Team Campo that we have been regular diners ever since the little lords were, well, really little, and mareng Gail's tisay superstars were just on their way. We loved the pizzas and the pastas because it all tasted so delicious compared to the other popular fast food restaurants out there. In fact, we are such fans of JOEY'S PEPPERONI that we would always include it in our birthday plans or special occasions when we can.

Alas, we ate in JOEY'S PEPPERONI so much before that we suddenly grew tired of it. You might say that like with Rachel and Ross, we "took a break". That break however took so long as our short attention span was grabbed with the sprouting of other restaurants. Good thing that during JOHAN'S SLEEPOVER the week before, the boy was craving pizza and Ding! Ding! Ding! JOEY'S PEPPERONI was the restaurant nearest to us then. The Chinese Dimpol and I enjoyed the food so much that when mareng Gail fancied our JOEY PEPPERONI posts, I immediately invited her to a dinner date there.

And like before, we all had a great time. There may be some changes but we immediately remembered why we craved for JOEY'S PEPPERONI so much when we were not yet so much foodies (read: gluttons) back then.


It's couples night for ERICJAZ FOODIES and TEAM CAMPO!

Monday, August 15, 2016


If you are working, going to school, or just being harassed by the white walkers throughout the week, Saturdays are something that you would always look forward to with a matching hallelujah. Like me, I'm sure you wouldn't want to do anything else but just to relax, eat, sleep, and have fun with your family.

That is why I have come to appreciate the beauty and essence of staycations. Of course, getaway trips are still something else. And nothing beats just staying in your room all day, watching dibidis, and just being a hungry sloth (sorry I'm not a good example). But there is something exciting about having a change of scenery, getting pampered like you were Prince William, and just relaxing without having to think of your usual cares in the world (like household chores, and uh, dieting... he he he he).

Just like what happened to us during our recent staycation in MERANTI HOTEL. At first you would doubt how a boutique hotel that's so nearby in Quezon City could provide happiness in a unruly family of 4. But to debunk the naysayers, just right after checking out little Andrei was already wishing that we go back there! Yes, and as from our group would agree, it was one of our most enjoyable staycations this year to date!

Find out why and how MERANTI HOTEL is the little staycation destination that could! And like us, you'll surely check-out refreshed, de-stressed, and so ready to face another crummy week ahead!



MERANTI HOTEL is located in the streets of Quezon City in Scout Lozano. 

At one side it is in a residential area while the other one faces the main street. 

MERANTI is the first hotel by the Max's Group, the company that brought us restaurants such as Max’s (obviously... he he he he), Pancake House, Yellow Cab, Dencio’s, and international brands Krispy Kreme and Jamba Juice to name a few. They've produced many restaurants that have almost become "icons" in the Philippine cuisine so it's really no wonder that they'll venture into accommodations BECAUSE food and lodging just goes oh so well together!

See the sense in my argument? He he he he he he!

Monday, August 8, 2016


It was our good friend, Manong Fred's birthday week and THE YAPPY BUNCH decided to treat him and my BGP Marian out for lunch! 

And the venue for that Saturday was in TEXAS ROADHOUSE!

TEXAS ROADHOUSE shouldn't be confused with the Philippine restaurant bearing the similar name but with the word "grill" at the end. This one is actually an American franchise that is famous for their ribs!

Thursday, August 4, 2016


APPLEBEE'S recently opened its 2nd Philippine branch in Eastwood, Quezon City, and the foodies in the area can't be happier. FINALLY, they have one of America's favorite restaurants that serves hearty salads, pastas, steaks, and most especially, their signature dish, the riblets, closer at this side of the Metro.

As for me and the Chinese Dimpol, even if we live in the area of "Upside Down" (tee hee), we don't mind going the distance to get a taste of the food from the restaurant that we have been hearing AND seeing for many years. Yup! We have tried (BLANK) and (BLANK) restaurants but we could never get away from the familiarity and presence of APPLEBEES from the shows/movies we watch or from the drool worthy advertisements in cable TV. So yes, we're REALLY going. And to learn that an APPLEBEE'S branch is so near the place I work in is like cherry on top of a huuuuge sundae for me --- suhweet!

So for those who think that BGC is like the edge of the world, REJOICE! We now have APPLEBEE's in Eastwood, Quezon City to keep you company when you're needing to have platters of your favorite American comfort food.

And you don't really need to follow confusing red and green colored lights to get to it. Just look for their big and white apple and you are SO good to go!


The big apple is now in Eastwood!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


We're going to have a RICHMONDE HOTEL staycation!!!!!!!!!!

For my sister's wedding last year, she got extra rooms for the family for 3 days and 2 nights. When she asked us if we wanted to use one of it, we agreed without second thoughts.

After all, we just love staycations. Especially free ones!!!!

Of course, we didn't consider that we had work while the boys had classes. So we meekly told my sister that we'll be arriving late at night and good thing that she was fine with it! He he he he he he he!

Wedding jitters RULE!!!!!

Arriving at RICHMONDE HOTEL!!!!

Check out Andrei doing the "beautiful eyes!"

We arrived at RICHMONDE HOTEL after dinner and since it was late, there was nobody in sight.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


My Daddyowzers celebrated his 80th birthday in the middle of June and it was surely going to be a whole day family affair!

In the morning, we heard mass to thank the Lord for all the blessings and to pray also for more birthday for my Dad!

After mass... What now???

Of course, knowing US, we would go hunting for someplace to eat.

And since it's my Daddy's special day, the usual choice would be our birthday breakfast favorite -- GLORIA MARIS!!!!

I really don't know how it started but it sort of became a tradition really for THE YAPPY BUNCH and my parents. I don't object with this because I LOVE dimsum and congee!


Ate Jojit and husband Anthony!

Little Lords, Mati and Andrei!

My shy Mom and the birthday boy!



Sorry but after all the brutality and erotics of GAME OF THRONES, I went for something pure and morally traditional. He he he he he he. So PRIDE AND PREJUDICE is the natural choice for me. 

I could just watch this movie again and again and again and again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Food is here! Time to eat!

GLORIA MARIS Steamed Meatballs (P180.00)!

We only got one of this because it wasn't really a strong favorite. Though it was good, we were not able to finish it.

My sister ordered this. Tsk tsk tsk....

He he he he he!

GLORIA MARIS Beancurd Roll (P175.00)!

Now this we love!!! We got 2 orders of this and after it was all wiped out, Mati asked for one more just for him!


GLORIA MARIS Baked Pork Bun (P175.00)!

One order has 3 buns and as expected it was soft, sweet, with a meaty filling!

GLORIA MARIS Shrimp Vegetable Dumpling (P175.00) was another in demand dish by the adults of the group. It was filled with chops of plump shrimps and steamed greens!

GLORIA MARIS Hakaw (P175.00)!!!

GLORIA MARIS Pork Siomai (P170.00)!

GLORIA MARIS Chicken Feet (P150.00)!!

To warm up our tummies, we had the GLORIA MARIS Meatball Congee (P170.00)!

GLORIA MARIS Plain Congee (P90.00) with a lot of crispy wanton courtesy of US. He he he he he!

GLORIA MARIS Fish Fillet Congee (P190.00)!

For those who are craving for a light alternative! 

To amp up our congee, we had an extra order of Fried Wanton Crisps (P30.00)!

And century egg (P85.00)!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords and my family at GLORIA MARIS!

Gobble! Gobble!

Remember what I told you about the Bean Curd Roll? Yup! Mati just devoured them all!

Later on, everyone was done!

As usual, Andrei was still eating and treating that 1 cup of congee like it was Mt. Everest or something.

The GLORIA MARIS bill!!!!

I decided to pick up the check to treat my family in celebrating Daddy's birthday and Father's Day because that's what daughters should do.

Asuuuus! Or maybe I'm just being "sip-sip"! He he he he he he! Kidding!

Of course, besides Daddy's birthday, this is also a wee celebration for Father's Day!!

My husband was fine with taking a backseat when it was supposedly his special day too because it was my Dad's birthday. See how loving and humble he is? :)

That's why the little lords love him! After every meal, they would run up to their Daddy for some hugs. Especially Andrei, the little Daddy's boy.

My Daddy saw that and asked the same from Mati and Andrei!

Andrei joined his Kuya too!

I told them to hug lolo tightly but, according to Andrei, their faces get hurt from their Lolo's "sharp beard".

Sarap pagumumpugin ang ulo ng mga to ah!



Now boys, THIS is how you do it!!!!

You guys just the hugging and squeezing to us girls!!!

We love you so muchos Daddyowzers!!! Happy Birthday and Happy Father's Day!!! Let's have fun THE WHOLE DAY!!!!!!!!


P.S. For those pitying the Yubskers, don't worry, he has his own celebration at his restaurant of choice in ALEX 3RD! Besides, like I said, he is so fine with devoting this special day to my Dad!

Ako lang naman ang KSP (Kulang Sa Pansin) sa family e!

He he he he he!



202 Wilson Street Corner J. 
Abad Santos, Little Baguio, 
San Juan City
7245011 - 7276201