
Tuesday, April 28, 2015


One Saturday, THE YAPPY BUNCH went all the way to the Southern part of Manila as per the request of my Mareng Gail to have a mini-celebration for my beautiful god daughter, Sasha. And if you are the one or two people who have been following my silly little foodie blog, you would know that I am too darn LAZY. Oh yeah. Just in case a female sloth and Juan Tamad hooked up (if ever that is possible), I would be the beautiful mutant lazy product (tee hee!). So case in point, my love for my dear friend got me dragging off my fat arse to drive somewhere far from my comfort zone. Grrr! I should've charged Mareng Gail for my gas!

Kidding! Tee Hee!

After dinner at NEST in VIVERE HOTEL (blogpost coming soon), I thought of contacting dear Jane of SUGAR AND SPICE since it is pretty rare that I am in her side of the globe. Of course, what better way to cap of this long journey (sorry ah, nalayuan talaga ako!!) than meeting up with the Queen of the South herself? Nothing right???

We actually met up for brunch at IL PONTICELLO earlier but we were not able to chat up as much as we wanted to and I miss the jolliness of everyone's dear old Jane. I was actually just inviting them for coffee at VIVERE HOTEL and planned to treat them since they might already be tired from the day's events or with their usual sexy time (tee hee).

But lo and behold, my dear SUGAR AND SPICE didn't just meet with us. She arranged a post dinner gluttony at TUS' CLAY POTS AND SKILLETS. Woah! We were already too full from dinner but the thought of chatting up with the Queen of the South PLUS having some of the delicious food that is lording search engines when you key in Westgate, is too much to handle! Now what have ERICJAZ FOODIES done to deserve such overindulgence?

LAZINESS I presume!

Oh I'm kidding. Duh!


It was actually pretty late but TUS' was still filled with diners enjoying their hot and delicious food!

Sunday, April 26, 2015


One weekend, ERICJAZ FOODIES was invited to try out the new Brunch specials from IL PONTICELLO in Makati City. When we got there, I ignorantly thought "here we are at a newly opened restaurant to sample their newest grub on the pub, ladeedah!"

Imagine my surprise upon learning that IL PONTICELLO was already there even before the conception and union of ERICJAZ FOODIES!! I suddenly felt so naive and yes, stupid, upon learning that my blogger friends each had their own special growing up memories with IL PONTICELLO. EGAD! How did we miss this????

I studied in Makati for College and though I've been granted the Cinderella time by my Mom (wohoo!), my friends and I would go around and try out different places for Saturday night. Of course, being the sheltered ladies that we are, our scope of "gimikations" is limited to Glorietta, Mars, El Circulo, oh and Greenbelt. Yes boring to some I know. But we all certainly had the time of our lives then.... before 12:00am! He he he he!

It's sad to discover that IL PONTICELLO opened just after we graduated College otherwise we would've included a birthday dinner or a meet up there. I wasn't able to eat anymore in this "institution" because I got work somewhere very far from the area. To think that when I talk to other foodies, they reminisce at how IL PONTICELLO still gave them loving kilig memories.

Oh wow! Just what did I miss???

That's why when my favorite KTG invited THE YAPPY BUNCH for Saturday morning in IL PONTICELLO, I made RSVP faster than Quicksilver would go from point A to point B. I figured, IL PONTICELLO has already been ruling the roost in Italian dining in Makati City then it certainly deserves our full attention during the weekend.

PLUS, if I missed my chance to include IL PONTICELLO as part of my foodie memory growing up, at least my little lords could still catch on. He he he he he he!


THE YAPPY BUNCH loves Italian food and we are so excited to start off the weekend with one of our favorite cuisines!

IL PONTICELLO had a very cozy yet romantic set up.

If you want to watch the world go by while sharing a big platter of pasta with your lovey, try reserving a table by the tall glass windows!

Thursday, April 23, 2015


When my friend Gem celebrated her birthday recently, she invited the whole BP Group to treat for dinner. Of course, anytime is always a fun time with these pretty ladies and handsome guys (love your own) but to have it in celebration of somebody's birthday is doubly fun! 

She invited us all to GUEVARRA'S by CHEF LAUDICO in San Juan and even if I live near by, I haven't been to this restaurant before. 

GUEVARRA'S is owned by celebrity rockstar chef Roland Laudico. He shares the cooking love with his own wife, Chef Jaqueline!

GUEVARRA'S was an old house renovated to maintain its classic beauty. I could actually see myself running around in my Maria Clara dress waiting for some suitors to make harana.

Of course, I needn't tell you how quiet that day/night would probably be!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


When we were planning our trip to Binondo Manila for the Chinese New Year 2015, I was talking on and on about going here and going there, while the Chinese Adonis was already quietly looking up restaurants for lunch. I know right? Usually it's me who's dreaming up the restaurants to eat and rest in after a long day (as the Chinese Adonis is always active) but this time, he was secretly looking up places to eat at what he feels is his own "Disneyland".

So when I asked where we'll be eating at Binondo, Manila, he instantly answered that we will be going to YING YING TEAHOUSE. Why? Because he said so. Usually I'm such a lovable wife (aka nagger) who would ask many questions on what, where, when, and why. But this time I was quiet. We WILL be in Binondo Manila, his favorite place besides Lucena, after all. 

Yes. The Chinese Adonis loves his authentic Chinese food. I would NEVER dream of meddling in his own "turf".

ERICJAZ FOODIES and the little lords are in Chinatown for the Chinese New Year!

And there is only one restaurant for lunch time for us. And it is...


Like in LUCKY RAINBOW SEAFOOD RESTAURANT in Binondo, Manila, there was also a long line during the Chinese New Year!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


It's summer time (wohoo!) and while we are all groaning from the intense heat, you may also want to make use of all that suffering to think about where your next family getogether is going to be. Now instead of spending gazillions of pesos planning an out-of-town or out-of-the country getaway, why not stay close to home?  With that, I strongly suggest you crop in F1 HOTEL MANILA in the picture.

Once again, we are in our "Home of the Happy Experiences" right in the heart of Fort, Bonifacio Global City -- F1 HOTEL MANILA! And the kids cannot get more ecstatic! They LOVE F1 HOTEL MANILA with a capital EL (tee hee)!! Now if you think we're going to have another usual staycation that you have seen before, you are so wrong!!! F1 HOTEL MANILA, as always, has something sizzling planned to make you BEAT THE SUMMER HEAT (sorry to say the cliche). 

And were glad to find out that even if THE YAPPY BUNCH had been regular guests of F1 HOTEL MANILA, we were still able to get not just happy but NEW experiences for our memory bank!!!

F1 HOTEL MANILA for summer of 2015!!! WOHOO!!! 

We were very excited for our F1 HOTEL MANILA staycation that we were up and early going to Fort. And wow... even if it was still sleeping time for us the sun was a-blazing already!

We went straight to the F1 HOTEL MANILA Premier Lounge to organize ourselves and to have a bit of snacks.

Monday, April 20, 2015


The Chinese Adonis and I have gotten sooooo superbly lazy lately that it would take a LOT of forcing or bribing for us to get out of our "comfort date zone", aka Powerplant Mall. However, one Saturday night we traveled far and wide just to see some special ladies that caused a lot of guffaws, craziness, and over-all pandemonium in my life. My AC friends!

We met up with some of my College barkada in MEGA BUFFET RESTAURANT for dinner where we pigged out on fatty meats and Korean banchan. Now what to do for dessert? We cannot just end the night all greasy, all smelling like barbecue, AND without finishing up on the gossip (he he he he he). There SHOULD be somewhere else to go to. The night is far too young.

My friend suggested that we go to LARCY'S CUPCAKERY CAFE since it was making waves in the dessert scene of the South. ALSO, my friend added, it was recently featured in KRIS TV.

EW. As if THAT would make me go for it. Ha ha ha! Anway, even if I was sooooo irritated with Kris and wouldn't go near her high pitched recommendations, I went for LARCY'S because I trusted my College friends MORE.

PLUS, our gossip was much juicier and probably news worthy anyway. HA!


LARCY'S was bright and cheerful inside. It's as if a Hallmark card for Valentine's day exploded and splattered it's colors everywhere.

Saturday, April 18, 2015


When we were in the US last year (egad has it already been a year???), my cousin took us to BUFFALO WILD WINGS to take home some buckets of chicken for dinner. We were with him because we were touring the strip of Las Vegas that time and we were famished for some juicy chicken wings!!

It was socceer season that day in BUFFALO WILD WINGS Las Vegas and while waiting for our orders, we did what we would usually do to pass the time....  

We took pictures...

... and played some games!

Andrei's so good here because for one coin, he was able to hook up 2 stuffed toys!!! Isn't that cool? I could barely manage to get even just one! 

BUFFALO WIND WINGS finally landed in the Philippines and opened its doors early this year. My husband and I were invited to feast on these addicting wings recently and we were so happy that it tasted as delicious as it did in the US!! No shortcuts nor cheapening factors (like what some US franchises would do) in order to lower their prices. You will still get the real deal of this winged favorite that's ruling the roost of chicken and sports lovers alike!


The Chinese Adonis arrived early as he was very excited to get a taste again of his favorite fried wings!


Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Just in case you're a girl who was lucky enough to go with me in College, you would agree that my barkada was one of the CRAZIEST bunch of gals there is. Don't worry. We did not do anything illegal that would give us bad records (drugs, alcohol, sex transplants), but we provided a lot of NOISY fun in the Advertising block of that batch that teachers would shake their heads and laugh at the memory!

One time, I got in trouble in the class for putting make up and whistling in front of the teacher. The teacher reprimanded me and as punishment, he announced with a smirk that we would have a long exam tomorrow all thanks to me.  The next day we did take the exams and guess what? I was the highest! Ha!

So yeah we were noisy and unruly but we had a bit of right to be!  Even if we were guilty of many wild antics, we were the top gals in the class when it comes to grades and most of us (me included) were officers in different organizations. He he he he he he he!  That's why whenever there's a chance, I love getting together with my College friends. Sadly, we don't see each other as much as we want to because well, besides work and family, we often take for granted making plans with each other, saying there's always a "next time".

It's a good thing that our plans to go Korean FINALLY pushed through. My friend Michelle has been telling us about this very affordable Korean buffet in the South that we should try. Since I'm game normally with ANYTHING (my motto is if there's a will there's a way) and I value our friendship, we traveled SOOOOOO far to the South just to see each other.

And wow what fun it was! We just ate, laughed, then chatted about the good ol' days and the gals who were not able to join that night.


Don't feel too sorry for them. We made up some of the stories anyway! Tee hee!

Oh I'm kidding.

Or am I? :P

And here we are...


When I asked Mich what's the name of the restaurant, she said that I should just look for a sign that says "UNLIMITED MEAT BBQ". 

And she was right!

The humble entrance going to MEGA BUFFET RESTAURANT!

Whenever I see the word UNLIMITED my tummy gives out a slight grumble as if it's saying "Thank you!"

It's a different case for my head. Whenever I see a picture of Angelina Jolie, my head goes "It's me...."

Tee Hee!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


For our F1 HOTEL MANILA staycation this summer (blog post coming soon) we had an awesome dinner under the stars at the CANARY LOUNGE!

Photo from F1 HOTEL MANILA
Normally the CANARY LOUNGE is a pool-side cocktail area to have drinks and hang out. But that night, we were lucky to be spoiled by our favorite F1 HOTEL MANILA with a barbecue all to ourselves!

Our barbecue night at F1 HOTEL MANILA!!!

Barbecue nights are not really regularly offered in F1 HOTEL MANILA but you could set it up with their food and beverage department. It's a great alternative if you feel like having a romantic and gastronomical dinner under the stars.

That night though we had this big glowering moon over us. May not be camera friendly but I felt this gave us perfect lighting and ambience! 

Monday, April 13, 2015


Every year it has been our Gatdula family tradition to spend Holy Week in my father's hometown in Cavite. Since 1980, we have been participating in the Filipino Catholic's yearly Lenten procession and it has already been our sacrifice for the blessed season.

Wow! To think that we have been doing this for 35 years! Such is our family's commitment that we have vowed to still spend Holy Week in our beloved Cavite even after we have gotten married, have kids, and be wrinkly old. Hopefully, our children will be the ones to carry on this blessed tradition in the future and never let go of it until the zombie apocalypse.

Of course, I will still be there guiding them as a friendly ghost.

Woah! That escalated into "weird so quickly!


Off to Cavite!!!!

Before we would all go to our province the same time as my parents on Wednesday. But since us weirdos have work, we decided to head out the day after.

Of course, we would always have breakfast at our favorite Jollibee!! It has already been tradition for us almost every year! He he he he he he....

If you're looking for Andrei, he deserted us to go with his Lolo and Lola. He is SO excited for Holy Week and would really count the days!

My favorite breakfast in Jollibee!

And we're near!

My Dad's old house in Cavite!

When we arrived, little Andrei ran out to see us. We see that our Karo for the procession is almost ready.

Thursday, April 9, 2015


One of our family's favorite hotels has something new cooking up and the great thing is that YOU are invited to take a part in it. Yep! You!

Chef Eugene San Juan is now at the helm of F1 HOTEL MANILA as their new Executive Chef and he wants F CAFE diners to have a different kind of gastronomic experience that is definitely not offered in other buffets. YEP. You don't just EAT. You do something. Of course, you'll still get the delicious spread that F CAFE offers and eat to your heart's content. But with F1 HOTEL MANILA's new interactive dining experience, you'll get to learn and savor the delectable dishes that YOU prepared.

F1 HOTEL MANILA with Chef Eugene plus your hungry touch for food? Now THAT would definitely make for an unforgettable and delicious time!  

We were having another fun staycation at F1 HOTEL MANILA (blogpost coming soon) and THE YAPPY BUNCH was all excited to taste (and do) what's new at F CAFE!

Little lords! Tie up those aprons!

Thursday, April 2, 2015


For my brother's birthday last month, he invited us to have an early lunch at his favorite, MARUFUKU JAPANESE RESTAURANT. We were supposed to have dinner there the night before but they decided to just have it on Saturday, the day after, and exactly on Valentime's Day!


This Japanese hub is located in front of UAAP and a favorite of students and professors there alike!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Even when there are several popular or celebrity chefs sprouting out and about and declaring that their desserts are the "next big thing", I always give them the benefit of the chuckle. Oh yeah sure! I will be trying their desserts soon but I will definitely not be in a hurry to do so. Maybe the reason why I have such a lazy ass when sampling other new desserts is because I already have what counts for my taste. Let's just say usual favorites are forever satisfying my sweet tooth and the taste is always so good that I don't need to go to the other side of that dessert fence.

Take INDULGENCE BY IRENE for instance. There may be other cheesecakes available but after one bite, these copycats don't even come close. Nothing gets me on a cheesecake high such as the rich, velvety, smooth, and very creamy top dessert in the Metro! And the best thing about INDULGENCE BY IRENE is that they always have new items in their heavenly cheesecake menu to keep the excitement going.

Yeah like in a marriage where you have to keep the fire burning. But this tastes more delicious! Tee Hee!

So with that let us present to you the newest INDULGENCE BY IRENE offerings that we got a taste of....

Corn Cheesecake!

Coffee with Baileys Cheesecake!

Now admit it. You got a slight thump of excitement after reading that right?

Well we certainly did! He he he he he!


Seriously, when you talk to me about cheesecake my imagination is only limited to cheese... chocolate... blueberry. Now who would've thought that there's also the possibility of whipping up CORN plus COFFEE WITH BAILEYS?

How is that even possible?!