
Friday, January 25, 2013


RUB is a new discovery made by our foodie couple friends while they were cruising the stretch of restos in Barrio Kapitolyo in Pasig. If you haven't been to the area, YOU MUST... i command you! And if you are still in my spell, troop over to RUB... a simple resto in the far end of Barrio Kapitolyo that serves AWESOME SUPER KADUPER MEATS AND RIBS!!! Just the thought of it makes me drool and lick the pics on my album... ha ha ha ha ah!!!

The great thing about RUB is that prices are CHEAP!!! Very easy on the pocket but you wouldn't think so from the quality and big servings!!! The choices are still limited (they don't have burgers yet that's why Yub was forced to eat ribs... but was thankful later on... ha ha ah) but you wouldn't notice it because THE RIBS ARE THAT GOOD!!!

Try it! I bet my silly little food blog on this... ha ha ha ha ha!

When you get to RUB, expect a bit of a wait as there may be many hungry rubbies in the resto. If you have an extra driver, you may want to bring him (her?) since parking may be something of a mission. 

By the way... extra driver? Naks sosyal ka teh ha! HA HA HA!

But please, parking and braving the crowds are just small hindrances... I advise (or command) you to brave it out and wait. TRUST me, it's worth it.

Dan dan dannnn.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RUB was hugely recommended to us by one of my favorite couples in the world, Mareng Gail and Jun. They discovered this resto when we were supposed to meet and got stuck in traffic. We were supposed to go to a Chinese restaurant that night but had to cancel.

Come to think of it, maybe they MADE UP that sorry traffic excuse and PURPOSELY CANCELLED so that they could eat here? Hmmm... something to consult Madam Auring on... 

Anyhoo, whatever the reason or cancelled meeting was, all was forgotten when we stepped in RUB.

You know when you are being led to your table and you pass by other customers eating with their colorful dishes? That gave me a preview of what is to come for dinner and wow, it got me drooling right then and there. My husband had to use my blouse to wipe the "bubbly saliva" at the right of my lip. Oh yes such a gentleman.

If I may just do a detour... To give you an example of how much my husband loves me. We went to a party where there was food, lotsa drinks, but no ice. The only available tubed ice were the ones in the cooler where they dump the bottled drinks. That's it. While eating, I got thirsty so my husband gave me this cold glass of Coke with ice! 
After happily chugging it down to the last drop, I asked him admiringly, "Galing mo Yub! Where did you get the ice?" 
He answered in a matter of factly "E di sa icebox!"
Toink!!! Imagine dirty bottles of softdrinks and ALL the people in the party dipping their grimy hands in it. THAT'S where he got my ice!
Nakuuu! Kung di ka lang kamukha ni Mark Anthony!!! Kidding! I love you Yubskers! This is a nice story to share always!

Back to RUB... Sorry!

The restaurant is very cozy. It somehow reminded me of a coffee shop where would you would like to just talk and while away the time. They put frames of famous personalities for conversation pieces.

Could you guess who these two are?

If you say VAMPIRE KILLER oh you are soooo in trouble!!!

The place is quite small so here's hoping for a bigger area next time we visit.

Could you guys see Aliyah Parks? :) He he he he!

... and now we're hungry!

Their meynuh! Check out the prices! Not so steep right? Plus they have big servings!

They still have a limited menu since they focused more on the ribs (the Yub was looking for burgers since he HATED ribs. He did not like the sour taste of the sauce). But since there was nothing offered from his usual favorites, he finally settled to just sharing a plate with me. Poor Yub? Not for long.

Second page...

... and now comes the special of the night! The RIBS!!! We ordered the Ribs with 2 sides to share (P370) and from the looks of this, we will have a delicious dinner tonight!

Yub was having a mini-tantrum because he did not really fancy hickory sauce, but after a small bite, he became a convert. He loved the sweetish, malinamnam chunks of meat. He can't stop raving about it!

Same goes for me! Wow! I was NOT disappointed! The only thing I was sorry for is agreeing to share this with the Yubskers. Oh I could finish ALL of this with rice! Yup THAT good!!!

This is Gail and Jun's plate. I loved the side dishes of their ribs! Everything just deliciously complimented the main dish of the night. That coleslaw was very creamy with the right amount of tingle for your taste buds. It was so darn good with their onion rings!

If you're lucky to have a date who is not so nitpicky with his food, you could stick out your tongue and give a loooong lick at that wonderful slab of ribs. If he consents, then he's a keeper. Ha ha ha ha!

If he reacts, he's normal! 

In the meantime, just enjoy the night with great food and goody friends!!!

If you're like me who always want something extra, you could request for more sauce! It's so delicious on everything! I'm not really a fan of hickory sauce but this one, I don't mind putting on my sprice (spiced rice). 

By the way, the rice is not really spicy... It's just something very tasty to shovel in your mouth while your savoring the juicy morsel of a rib! 

Like what I did after this picture was taken...

Moments later...

For somebody who detested ribs before, my husband certainly sucked these babies dry...

It's an epidemic! Everything was WIPED out! (Except for the plain rice though). You would see the same sight when you eat here most definitely!

The bill comes in his cute mug which unfortunately, could NOT be taken home. Anyway, you'll be happy to see though that your pocket will not be damaged or scarred for life. Prices are cheap and very dandy! 

All the more reason for us to troop back to this wondrous place!!


Kapitolyo: 88 East Capitol Drive, Bgy. Kapitolyo, Pasig City
11am - 10pm / Tel: 6252939

QC: 64 Scout Rallos, QC / 11am - 12mn /Tel: 5012799

Saturday, January 12, 2013


One rainy Friday evening, Yub and I were supposed to meet up with Mareng Gail and Jun for a Chinese dinner. However due to continuous downpour, traffic was horrendous! We decided to just reschedule our date on another week. (That was here!!) It was a good thing that we did reschedule because I got out of work like 11:00pm. If I made my friends wait that long they would've dried up like prunes... Tee hee!

Anyhoo, I was still craving for something Asian that should have rice, soup, and carbs galore. So I checked many foodie blogs... Then I came upon YEN YEN. Reviews were all the same citing the food as delicious and cheap! As for me, I'm not really aware of what IS Taiwanese cuisine. The only Taiwan stuffs I know starts with F and ends with 4! All together now!!

"Oh BABY, BABY, BABY, MY BABY, BABY, mashing no shang shi tueeeh"
(sorry I don't really know the words... I just sing it like I hear it)
By the way, I was ACHING to make that F4 intrusion. I'm a fan... F4 forever! Wohoo!
Tee hee!

Goooing back to YEN YEN, my husband and I decided to give this place a try since we always passed by this tiny restaurant in P. Guevarra. And boy oh boy (ala Mickey Mouse) were we surprised with the food!

YEN YEN! Your favorite noodles and chops stations!

Yen yen you're assuming ah... Or were you able to see into the future that we will like your resto?

I'm really clueless as to what specifically Taiwanese cuisine comprises of. So I just checked the pictures and chose what my little heart desires... 

They have this big picture on display of their specialties! Good for newbies like me!

The restaurant was small but it was cozy and comfortable. We were lucky that there were a lot of available tables that night. I read in blogs that Yen Yen is usually full. Maybe it is because of the weather-weather out there.

First on my list... the SPICY WANTON (P88/6pcs). I love everything spicy but I usually cannot order hot dishes since my husband (as usual) detests anything that will figuratively burn his tongue. But this time, even if I HAVE to finish this by my lonesome, I WILL order this. I have been a fan of spicy wantons especially after I tried it in MIEN SAN (no entry yet)

... and this dish did not disappoint! I LOVED it! After mixing the chili oil with the steamed wantons I took a huge bite and felt all that glorious kick in my mouth. Everything was just flavorful, juicy, with the right amount of spice that will be toned down by spoonfuls of rice. OH YEAH....

I AM in wanton heaven!

Since it was raining, Yub ordered their WONTON SOUP (P58). We only wanted something light ergo, no noodles, just soup.

TEAM YAP had mixed reactions to the soup. Personally, the more toppings the better. I don't really mind that you dumped a whole salad bar in my soup because I find it more "satisfying" to slurp and finish.

My husband however, did not like that it had too much add ons... Too much tenga ng daga, too much egg, too much greens... So he just spooned over clear soup into his bowl.

If you ask me, I'd order it again. If you ask my husband, he would probably order it just because he loved me.


I may be forgetful a lot of times but I distinctly remember asking the waitress how many eaters their fried rice  is good for. And she chirped "POR 2 MAM!! GUD POR 2!!"

Okay then, 1 order of your TAIWAN SPECIAL FRIED RICE (P128.00)

And THIS arrives.... 

It's GINORMOUS!!! I mean, this would even be good for 5 people!!! The serving was that huge! We were so surprised that I wanted to put the servers face into this dish ("Ah por 2 pala ah? Eto sa yo!") Oops just kidding... H ah ah ha!

The husband was traumatized that the fake pose and smile never left him.

Anyway, the fried rice was good. The seasonings they used to fry it with was very mild but it definitely complimented our other orders. Its just unfortunate that we are TRYING to diet, so we took 3/4's of this dish home. However, I did consume 2 cups of it when I swore I would only have a half cup of rice come night time... So we will order this again... 

... when there's 5 of us!!

They did say in their meynuh that they are the CHOPS STATION so we ordered their TAIWAN PORK CHOPS (P78 per piece).

We loved the crunch, the tenderness of the pork, and the juiciness of the meat. While eating we kept on commenting that this is a dish our kids will definitely like. 

I guess they pounded this baby real good because it was oh so tender. You would just have to get over that nice crunch when you take a wolf bite! Yum!!!

I think we wiped this out, and sucked the bones dry. 

Poor babe! He he he he!

So this is our table...


We will definitely drop by YEN YEN to enjoy their very cheap but yummy Taiwanese grub. Hopefully next time, I'll be hearing F4 music in the back ground.

"Don't stop... ask for more..."

Sorry had to put that in again..


Wilson St. corner P. Guevarra St.,
1500 San Juan, Philippines (945-4389)