
Friday, September 24, 2010


Though we are hard core loyalists to Asian Food, there would always come a time... a night... where in we would crave something that would tickle our Uncle Sam fancy...

Remembering that special scene in Twister when Helen Hunt and the others piled onto their platters those large steaks then added eggs hot off the frying pan. The same goes for the movie "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance". Oh also in "The Matrix"....

Remembering how Uma Thurman took dainty bites of her cheeseburger in "Pulp Fiction". The same goes for Robert Downey Jr. in "Iron Man".

Remembering how Sarah Jessica Parker savored the salad served to her by Maggie Smith in "The First Wives Club"...

Remembering how Miranda Hobbes took crunchy and gooey bites of her pizza from an episode of "Sex and the City".... 

Wait a minute that's Italian food... But it was set up in New York City so anywhoo.... 

For one particular Friday night, we met up with one of our favorite foodie friends Mareng Gail and Pareng Jun with my godchild Sasha. We decided to hold our gabfest in BURGOO not only because it was the only cuisine with that theme in Powerplant Mall at the time but Mareng Gail had a promotional discount from her card as well.

We were not really expecting anything mind blowing but we had such a great time gabbin and grubbin' in BURGOO. And though I did not get the large steaks in "Twister" or "The Man Who...", I was able to live out my other "reel" cravings for the night! :)

By the way what DO they call a Quarter Pounder Cheese in France??

Anything goes at BURGOO!!!


Kidding! :) (I hate that expression!)

Mareng Gail, Pareng Jun, and my "inaanak" Sasha in BURGOO!

Me and the Chinese stalker at BURGOO!

Ain't my godchild so pretty like Ninang?

The BURGOO meynuh!

Mareng Gail and I met at Admakers in the year 1997 -- she was the Account Executive while I was the Copywriter. We became fast friends because of many similarities: We are both giggly little school girls who laugh at the silliest things, we love the Spice Girls (up to now! HELL YEAH!), and we're both from St. Paul Pasig (but we did not know each other then).

Most recently I posted a picture of my family in Facebook where Mareng Gail and I had fun in the comment box. I had quite a laugh remembering up to now we are still so alike in many ways!!!

Ha ha ha! I love you Mareng Gail!

But of course, the most unforgettable clincher for our friendship will be this personality trait which we are both guilty AND very proud of!

We are both "kuripot" aka stingy aka VERY practical!!!

We would rather buy our items in discounted prices and would never find joy in luxury bags unless it's free. That's just the way we are!

And you would know how long we have been good friends by our comfort in computing our share even BEFORE dinner started!

Actually she initiated it since it was HER card! Tsk... tsk!!! Har de har har!

... carry the five....

First on the table was one of my BURGOO favorites... the BURGOO Shrimp Popcorn Caesar (small P325.00)!

Each battered and fried shrimp were generously coated with parmesan cheese!

I am such a sucker for Caesar's Salad because what is not there to like? There's the healthy factor...  the creamy factor... the salt factor... and the muchos cheese factor!

Factor in all those qualities and BURGOO's Caesar salad has all of them!

Yub ordered the BURGOO Cheeseburger (P325.00) and requested to have cheese fries along with it.

Take note of how he asked EVERYTHING to be on the side... again... as usual :)

He then proceeded to cut the BURGOO cheeseburger in half and gave me the other piece. 


With that, I piled all of his "on the side" veggies and had for meself a yummy burger!

The BURGOO burger patty though is not as flavorful and thick as what the competitor offers but it was still an enjoyable sandwich nonetheless!!! I also added extra mayonnaise and mustard! YUM!

I think Mareng Gail and Pareng Jun ordered the same BURGOO burger as well. But their version was not as deconstructed as ours! Ha ha ha ha!

Yummy cheese coated fries from BURGOO! Similar to what potato corner has but more mild to the taste!

We also ordered a BURGOO Pepperoni Pizza (regular P375.00). This was just ordinary.... It was served very hot though so we still enjoyed biting into its cheesy goodness!!!


Ain't this a nice picture of us? Even baby Sasha was smiling for the camera!

When she was a baby, Sasha was like Andrei and was such a finicky eater! But in BURGOO she ate a lot! She loved the meat patty of the BURGOO cheeseburger!

My plate! My empty plate!

Since we were in BURGOO with little Sasha and she was getting a bit fussy, I thought she would have a blast if we asked the waiters to sing her a faux birthday song complete with a candle for her to blow on...


... plan kinda backfired and she became irritated as ever. Ha ha ha ha!

Oh well... I did not think much about this until later... 

After eating in BURGOO, my husband played with Sasha and it is apparent how she was having a great time with him...

However when I asked to carry MY godchild, Sasha gave me THIS face.

I guess I was not forgiven for that faux birthday song after all...

This went on for a LOOONG time. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Finished! Mareng Jun and Mareng Gail saved half a burger for her mommy. :)

As my former boss in Admakers would say, "Great Minds Think Alike" and though it may be so pompous of me to say so, I would have to agree here with my Mareng Gail.

Because although we have the wildest of ideas in order to save or have crazy tastes in tv shows or singers, it gave us a wild, wacky and GREAT REAL friendship which would almost run now for 15 years!

Also in the end, because of our "practicality", not only did we save a significant amount of money from Mareng Gail's computation, but we had an ultimo fun dinner night out which answered my REEL cravings as well!

Looking forward to our next cheap but crazy dinner again!


Power Plant Mall
3/F Power Plant Mall, Amorsolo St
Poblacion, Makati
(02) 898-1815 to 17

Friday, September 10, 2010


The last time I would regularly eat in KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS was during my College years which was.... 5 years ago (tee hee) and I remembered the long lines of hungry diners queuing up for a plate of their delicious roasted chicken with hot sides!

Fast forward to 2010, KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS still offers the same variety of tasty sides, roasted chicken, and more. Only right now, they have added many dishes to their menu and, (my favorite) the restaurant is not self service anymore! Waiters will actually go to your table to take your orders and they will serve it in a jiffy!

Well that IS news to a lazy ass hungry gal like me!

So with that happy bit of news, I told my College friend Carrots Alemany to meet me in KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS at Powerplant Mall to see if they still serve the same homestyle goodness we enjoyed in our College years 5 YEARS ago.  

And we were so happy that everything still tasted delicious if not, better! We loved the food and truly enjoyed the night as we gabbed and forgot the diet.  

The best part was Carrots treated us! Wohoo!! 

Maybe the deliciousness of KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS brings out the generosity in all mankind. 

I think i'll invite her here again.

Har de har har! :)

Oh and by the way, don't forget the muffin!


KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS has long renovated their restaurant making everything airy and comfortable for the diners. 

Did I mention that it is not self service anymore? I kid you not!

Tee hee! 

Sorry, it is a vital information and should be repeated over and over again.

My husband ordered KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS Roast Chicken Solo B (1/4 chicken with 2 side dishes, rice, and muffin P199.00) then chose fresh fruits with corn and carrots for his side dish!

Of course do not forget the garlic rice AND KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS muffin!

As for me, I ordered KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS Solo B as well but chose the steamed vegetables then macaroni with cheese.

There may be several mac n' cheese versions out there that is compatible to the discriminating tongue (like in Mr. Jones or Lusso's) but it will be always KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS for me. It's the taste  that introduced me to this wonderful dish and made me fall in love with it. And I shall never lower it's repute by cheating on it.

Unless... it's another macaroni version served by Henry Cavill... HA HA HA! Kidding!

Let's EAT!!!

I know that we were supposed to wait for my friend but since she was running extra late, Mareng Carrots said we could go ahead and eat our KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS hot plates of roasted grub!!

What I love about KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS is that you could always request what part of the chicken you want and they will happily give it to you. It may be the norm these days but when I was in College in other restaurants, you would be at the mercy of the waiters if you want a drumstick or thigh....

KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS crunchy veggies!


My pathetic unorganized plate at KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS. Ha ha ha! Don't judge me... this was SO good!

Finally my friend Mareng Carrots came! And while she was ordering at KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS, I was expressing my love for her.

Oh I was kidding! She just flew in from Bacolod and truly missed her. We had a grand time that night!!! 

Sounds like somebody got treated for dinner...


And yes... you could see we really enjoyed our meal at KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS!

We enjoyed it so much that on Sunday (family day) we ate at KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS with the kids!

After checking out the side dishes at KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS, my son Andrei proceeded to attempt to saw their table in half.

He does this up to now.


Once again me and Yub ordered the KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS Chicken Solo B meal and just had extra rice for the kids.

Mati proceeded to pile his plate with all the KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS goodies and ate with mucho gusto....

I was particularly happy that finicky eater Andrei (like the daddy) loved KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS and ate on his own!

He also fake cried to get extra servings of KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS garlic rice!

Awww... my little cutesie poo!

I was able to eat at my own pace and enjoy once more the juicy roast chicken of KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS with garlic rice!!!

Except that my shrewd master Andrei nicked my KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS muffin and won't even let me have a small taste!


If Andrei swiped my KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS muffin, I would do the same to my loving husband. Ha ha ha ha!

Check out our empty plates and leftovers. It is obvious how my hub does not like his veggies!

Mati had such a great meal at KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS and was hyper happy!

The same could be said for Andrei....

But he kept on smirking his success on how he was able to get my KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS muffin!


I think we'll go back here with Mareng Carrots instead!



Kenny Rogers Roasters
Concourse Lvl. Power Plant Mall, Estrella St cor Rockwell Dr
Poblacion, Makati
(02) 555-900