
Friday, November 20, 2009


My husband and I LOVE burgers!!! Unlike yub though, I like em with ALLLLL the trimmings and veggies (tomatoes, onions, lettuce, pickles... growl!). When I'm in the mood for some "light" eating, I invite yub to take me out on a burger date and he would easily oblige since burgers gets him all mesmerized and hypnotized. I always like my burger with BLEU CHEESE dressing and after dating THE BROTHERS over and over again, I wanted to try something new. Yub suggested we go to WHAMS for our burger fix. I tried it and saw the burgers we huuge!!! I have eaten other better tasting burgers though... but for the speed and my need, WHAM was just right for me and my bleu cheese burger craving!

Wake me up before you GO GO!!!

Wow! Everybody is out on a date tonight! :)

Though the WHAM! BURGERS were filled with customers, the place was still spacious and cool!

Ericjaz however decided to get a table outside!

Because that is just how we roll!

In a jiffy, our food came!

WHAM! BURGERS' Onion rings reminded me of those once popular mini donuts...

But we just love them! Even my husband who does not eat vegetables! He did not mind crunching into these babies....

We loved how it has just the right amount of breading and flavor to the rings!

Now who does not love WHAM! BURGERS Criss cut fries? We munched on these fried flavorful carbs while stuffing ourselves silly with the burgers!

My husband, the carnivore, requested his veggies to be on a separate plate and gave it to me. 

No it's not romantic... He just did not like the greens touching his meats. I am not kidding.

He's cutely weird that way.

He ordered the plain WHAM! BURGER (P131.00) and this is how it looked like without the vegetables and other trimmings.

Oooh it just looks so naked!

My husband happily took a huge bite from his burger and started to think about what I earlier said about it. Winkity wink!

I ordered their WHAM! BURGER with cheese (P160.00) and requested for some creamy blue cheese topping (P40.00). 

I am such a sucker for bleu cheese or anything that smells stinky but flavorful!

And THAT is why I love my husband!

Ha ha ha ha! Kidding!

Open up my dear baby!

Thats me taking a huge beefy bite!

See how wonderful it is? The ground meat was so juicy and so tasty to the bite. I also loved the crunch the veggies gave to my WHAM! BURGER.

If the bun was not encasing the wonderful fillings of the burger, I swear that I would have used it mop all the meat drippings on my plate!

Struggling with my chewing everything but I still wanted to shove an onion ring into it!

Then wash everything down with an ice cold can of Sarshi!

Once you have gulped all of that scrumptious juicy ground beef slathered with mayo, you take a huge bite again from your WHAM! BURGER!

Like so....


Wham! Burgers
Katipunan Ave.
Katipunan Ave.
Milagrosa, Quezon City
(02) 912-9426

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Even if my husband and I have been together for a semi-long time, I still feel a different kind of rush when it is date night. The thought of going out with your guy and pretending you two are still bf/gf always gives me a electric excitement that could only be matched at the thought when going home and realizing, hey we ARE married! (Wink wink!!).

As much as we want to go out every single day, my husband and I made this schedule for dinner dates during the school year :

Monday to Thursday -- Stay at home with the little monsters Mati and Andrei so we could help them with homework or plot evil schemes to rule the world someday...

Friday -- Friends night (the day is allotted to meet up with friends but we still do it together because my husband does not have any buddies.... Kidding)

Saturday -- DATE NIGHT (wohoo!)

Sunday -- Family Day!!!

I may have a messy work table but I am definitely OBSESSED with keeping this schedule. The only time that this will not be followed is when there is a holiday and we do not need to do the usual chores of our rugrats on a school night. 

But hey, when there is a hankering for CAUSEWAY, all bets are off. THAT is how much we love this dimsum house. 

Mati and Andrei who? He he he! 


CAUSEWAY is well lit and very spacious, giving you that over all relaxed feel which is rare in an affordable Chinese dimsum restaurant. 

When seated at the center, I somehow get this Star Trek vibe in their interiors.

Do you agree with me or am I being such a geek again?

Ever since CAUSEWAY had this promo where in you pay only P50 for dimsum after 9:00pm, we became MORE of restaurant regulars. You have to admit dimsums of this quality make CAUSEWAY'S grub the cheapest for this price! So CAUSEWAY is the default choice if I get out late at work.  

Sometimes when it's only 8:30pm, I would go "Hey yub! It's nearing THAT time! Let's go to YOU know where!!!"
And he'll answer "The 3 hours thing???"

NAAAH kidding! Ha ha ha!

However after 9:00pm, dimsums will be served on a per order basis. You will miss here the swiftness that Dimsum cart offers. Still, you will be assured of freshly steamed dimsums so it is really a win win situation. 

(p.s! As of 2013, CAUSEWAY dimsums after 9:00pm are priced at about P55 per order) 

Hi! We're the YAPS and we're SO hungry!!

First on the table was CAUSEWAY's Chicken Feet! The sauces were still bubbling from the steamer and gave out a rich aroma of spice and all things nice.

I love CAUSEWAY's Chicken feet because it is never dry and the feet is always plump and oh so fatty. We just love sucking the bones dry and spooning the sauce over our rice.

Somebody once told me that Chicken feet are high in cholesterol. 

I choose to be deaf to that information... 

In lieu of rice, my husband always order CAUSEWAY's Asado Siopao. For the life of me, I cannot imagine eating this without noodles in soup but my guy seems to like it on its own. He would always offer half -heartedly a piece for me... You know the usual "i'll offer but I hope you say no" question?

Eric (in monotone) : Yub ayaw mo right? ("Yub, you don't want some right?")

Sometimes just for kicks I will chirp out a happy "OH YES I WOULD! OH THANK YOU! THANK YOU KIND SIR!!!!"

That would get his chinese eyes bulging out in horror. Ha ha ha ha!

Evil me would just take a bite and pretend it's for take home then I forget to eat it. Ha ha ha ha! That plan would sometimes fail though especially if he did not have his usual siopao fill. 

In the few times I have tried CAUSEWAY'S asado siopao, the dough was soft and right to the bite. The asado meat had the right sweetness and I love that it is saucy. I could finish this without the usual sauce which would usually accompany siopaos.

My husband doing his on "I'm-eating-this-on-my-own" mode. Only I could get past this force field of selfishness when it comes to his CAUSEWAY siopaos!

CAUSEWAY's Pork Dimsum! We always have 2 orders of this and it is perfect everytime!

My rice! My beautiful rice!!!

I love it when I ask my husband to pose for the camera and he lets out this very lewd smile. 

Just in case you were wondering, I was being sarcastic... In a loving wife way. Ha ha ha ha!

The dipping sauce for champions... Chili oil, soy sauce, and calamansi! It'll surely make a winner of any dimsum dinner!

Let's eat at CAUSEWAY!

My plate!

If you think this sight is already a perfect view to behold, then you have not seen....

... this! CAUSEWAY's Steamed Spare Ribs with Tausi!!! Even if my favorite has always been Le Ching (see our meal there, HERE!!!!), CAUSEWAY's Steamed Spare Ribs is a close second. The meat are always fork tender and juicy to the bite. The spice and sauce is mild but very tasty to the palate! I love gnawing into these babies and chew on everything!

Of course, that great meal is always washed down with a tall glass of ice cold Coke Zero!

Half way through our CAUSEWAY Chicken Feet!

Again, Yub and his cute lewd smile! Ha ha ha ha!

Besides eating, ERICJAZ FOODIES just LOVE talking. And we always chat and joke, sometimes fool around while doing THIS deed.

My plate is done!


The end...

The next month, me and the Yubskers went to CAUSEWAY again for a weekday impromptu dinner date!

Our full table at CAUSEWAY...

Losers say NGAAAH!

Kidding! I love you m'Lord!

(We're watching Game of Thrones while I type this).

Jaz (of 2013) : As we still regularly eat at CAUSEWAY, we now order CAUSEWAY's Spring Rolls and Century Egg. 

Yup that gets wiped out too in a jiffy!

My plate!

My chinese "Khal"....

(Again... Game of Thrones... sorry!)

Your Khaleesi doing the peace sign and burping at the same time!

As Homer Simpson would always say "I can't believe I ate the whole thing..."

He he he!

8th Acropolis Center, 
53 E. ROdriguez Jr. Ave., Libis, Quezon City, Libis, 1110
Phone: (63 2) 638-9374 / (63 2) 638-9375

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I'm not really a fan of hotdogs for dinner.

It's good for breakfast with eggs, sinangag and coffee but I would never think of it as a FULL MEAL!! If ever I DO decide on eating a hotdog sandwich, it would be for merienda or as a side dish with spaghetti and chicken (see my appetite??) Ha ha ha!!! On Saturday date night with my "boyfriend", he declared that he wanted to eat some hotdogs. Since I got my way with the movie, I had no choice but to try WORLD BANGERS at Powerplant Mall. Even if I was I was like @#$%^ inside, I was TRYING to be a lady so I kept quiet.

LO and BEHOLD! I have finally met a hotdog sandwich that could fill up my tummy!!! The dogs were SOOO DAMN EFFIN BIG that I was about to have a locked jaw just by biting it. Their hotdogs are slightly expensive but believe me its worth it. When you decide to try their different toppings and side dishes, you'll leave the resto with a bulging tummy the size of a... hotdog? He he he he! 

Is that a world banger dog or are you just happy to see me??

Saturday night DATE NIGHT! We hold sacred this night and do not accept invites from friends. Just me and Yubhubs dinner and movie night! Yey!

(Even after 10 years of going out, Saturday night date night still excites me!)

... and THIS is what excited my husband that night. Why that grrrrrr!

I love the creative names WORLD BANGERS have come up with for their dogs that it made me extra curious to try out each one.

You could choose between the solo or meal WORLD BANGERS dogs. For meals, the hotdog sandwiches come with your choice of sides (such as fries) and drinks. 

Yub's order WORLD BANGERS Philly Cheesier Dog (P{190.00). Even if he HATES (or detests) vegetables, he ignored the onions but focused more on the meats, gooey cheese, and mushrooms. 

If he did not love me a bit, he would have given me a bonk already on the head since he was RARIN' to dig into this.

Muy order... WORLD BANGERS NY Classic (P160.00) with extra onions (P10.00) then topped with mustard and mayonnaise. YUM!

I may be TRYING to act like a lady but I already hooked the guy so ONION BREATH will strike you tonight Yubksers!!!!!!!! (Evil laugh)

Oops... As yub would answer "Two could play that game!" Ha ha ha ha!

But you know what, even if Yub was a REAL anti-veggie bill guy, he loved his WORLD BANGERS Philly Cheesier dog. He did not taste the onions at all since what partied inside his mouth was an explosion of cheese, meat, and mushrooms!

Yub : "Oh yeah that's my home dog!"

Yub : "Who's your daddy now??"

Me : "Yub, you are so disgusting...!!!"


My husband taking a swig of his sarsi before taking another huuuuge bite!

Their usual sides are fries but if you choose the more "special" offerings (like Caesar salad, Spaghetti, Mac and Cheese), there is an extra charge of P50.

I don't mind paying that small amount for the extra special sides... I always get WORLD BANGERS Caesar Salad because I love how it is actually better than what other restaurants offer... Veggies are crunchy with the right amount of great tasting dressing. I swear, if their Caesar Salad recipe was offered at another restaurant, I would order and pay for it.

You should also try their Spaghetti! Sometimes my dad purposely orders a WORLD BANGERS dog just to get an extra side of their meaty spaghetti! It tastes exactly like what Pancake House offers! Believe me!

My WORLD BANGERS NY Classic... Eeep! I think I'm going to have a lock jaw with this....

Man! That is EXTRA long! 

We love their fries! I suspect they cook it in hotdog oil for that extra flavor. We cannot help but shove these all into our mouths even if we were still munching on our hotdogs....

Like so....

When you eat at WORLD BANGERS you'll find your hotdogs to be this messy midway.... 

But you know what? IT MAKES IT MORE DAMN GOOD EATING experience!!!

And this is why I do this... GROOOOOOOOOOOOOWL!

... ain't that a huge bite?

(Lock jaw penetrating....)

Okay here is a more lady like version of my WORLD BANGERS bite to erase that above image which may have unfortunately implanted in your subconsciousness... 

See? I'm very concerned with my readers you know.

Whew... all that mouth exercise got me tired.

Happy problem! 

My husband as usual is already finished.

As for me, I'm still savoring every bite and morsel of that meaty, juicy, hotdog then crunching on my vegetables....

I can't wait for my husband to impose hotdogs on Saturday Night Date Night again..


World Bangers Haute Dog
T1 Concourse Lvl. Power Plant Mall, 
Rockwell Drive, Estrella St, Makati City, Philippines‎
(02) 897 8344