
Sunday, January 29, 2023


Every VALENTIMES, I always plan a date with my sons. Of course, it's fun to go out as a whole family during this day of hearts but I find that spending quality one-on-one time with your son is also needed. You'll find that they'll tend to behave differently without the brother/aka enemy. Tee hee! I've made it a tradition and I hope the boys do it even when they're adults na.

Usually it's just US with the driver for that definite alone time. 
This year however, we planned to do it on a night where it was our driver's day off. So who's the next best choice???

THE YUBHUB! Aba syempre... Drayber sweet lover din yan!!!!!

When asked where he felt like going, Mati answered that he's in the mood for some good ol' Italian food. With that, we went to our current favorite, ITALIANNI's!!! Not only does the restaurant serve delicious pasta, pizza, and complimentary bread, BUT, they also have a 50% off promo! Yay!

(Jaz of 2023 - not anymore... bwa ha ha ha ha ha)

Don't you just love Mati for sensing that?? It may be the reason why he chose ITALIANNI'S in the first place!

That's my boy!!!

We're going to ITALIANNIS!

Malamig Yub???

Sunday, January 22, 2023



And another year has passed.

This year may have started with me having covid and other mundane matters BUT I never expected in a million years for it to end the way it did. 

Don't get me wrong. I'm still so thankful that my family is healthy and happy, plus the boys are now giants but are still my babies, but losing a best friend, a BGP even, is so unimaginable. 

Anyway I cannot really question His will, and I know that what happened had a reason. Hay.... (I've been formulating sentences that I've been erasing din because I'm feeling a lot of things... Ha ha ha ha ha).

Oh well. I'm speechless talaga.

One thing's for sure though if this year has taught me anything it's really that LIFE IS SHORT. Value every moment and every loved one you have with you. I think that's why even if I'm busy with work, and even if it's midnight, I'll still do my best to record all my special memories via this blog (aka online diary). 

It doesn't matter that it's not as popular as the other blogs out there or if it is old-style. What matters talaga (especially for me) is that all you read here is from my heart which I want to remember forever. 

Also, with the loss of my best friend, I decided that I won't subject myself to toxic situations and people. I'll only stick to those who are worth it. If there's one thing my BGP has taught me, is that TRUE FRIENDSHIP exists and I won't level down of course from the love she gave me. He he he he he! Kahit na kami na lang ni Suga sa mundo, GO LANG! He he he he he he!

Sorry madrama. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hindi bagay sa first pic. 

So here is me again, ERICJAZ FOODIES, sharing the last quarter of my 2022. It was an ending with a lot of blessings I know but a big part of it was sadness. 

Thank you for joining and coping with me. I'm sure you're seconds away from blocking the cuteness out of me. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Sorry if my intro make no sense. I'm sure, sanay na kayo. Har de har har. 

As for new readers, get out while you still can. 

Tee to the hee. 


September 1, 2022

Is it pitiful of me if I started the last trimester recap with a greeting to BTS' golden maknae?


Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

Happy Birthday dear Jungkook!!! Greetings from me and Suga!

Sunday, January 15, 2023


Last December, THE YAPPY BUNCH went out for some family bonding bonding ekek because it was a holiday.

It may be so tempting to just stay at home and sleep the day away but going out with the boys and treating them to a nice lunch is something we'll not pass up. 
 Of course because of the present situation, we will still be extra careful and follow safety protocols imposed by the establishment. Yes, we all want to have fun BUT also be cautious at the same time.

With that, we decided to go to Edsa Shang because it's one of the malls I know that don't have many people. When we got there, the guard asked us questions and we answered honestly (we also called the restaurant beforehand).

So yay! Another fun family day. Even if there were a lot of extra things to do to ensure our safety, we all appreciated the caring measures and had an awesome day!  

(Can't buy me looooooveeee.... loooooove)

Sunday, January 8, 2023


As much as I want to always blog, I need to finish recording data and I could do more so at night. Too sad though that I haven't documented much of what's happening in my life in the past few months.

SO, I apologize if this recap came out late. I'm trying my best to record everything to the best of my abilities. Like I mentioned in the previous post, if there's something that I learned in 2022 is to ALWAYS cherish every moment. 

And in my case, blog about it as well so that I won't ever forget it. 

You'll understand more in the next post. For now, enjoy... or be traumatized. 


Here's the second trimester of the year. Don't block me just yet. 


May 3, 2022

Dinner at The Alley!

Because will always choose and treat my guys whenever I can (especially if I have b…. Buni… haha) 🙂

Monday, January 2, 2023


Another year... Another blog.

And yep, IT'S 2022!!!!!

I know I have been one lazy (or busy?) girl from the previous year that I wasn't able to blog as much as I used to. OKAY fine. I admit. It's not just work, it's BTS! Ha ha ha ha ha! I promise though that I will be doing some changes this year.... 

And one of them is to be more active again in ERICJAZ FOODIES!

This will still be on a personal level though as I have always maintained how ERICJAZ FOODIES is like my online diary. Sometimes I have to admit that I'm doing this more also for myself then the happiness of the people I get to share it with is just the cool sweet end of the deal.

So here I am again with the recap of the year that was. I'm actually doing this on a January so I don't know what 2022 has in store. Like what I said in my New Year's post, this time I'm not gonna say "BRING IT ON," or "EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE BETTER." Instead, what I'm hoping more for now is that "
LET EVERYTHING WORK OUT with the help of the power of prayer."

So yep, I'm writing this right now, hopeful and still optimistic of what this year holds for all of us. And since it has helped me so much in the recent years, will believe in the power of prayer that whatever happens, everything will work out.

First things first though... Hmmmm... 1 month in and I have broken many numbers already. ESPECIALLY number 1!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Okay. This is not counted. Ha ha ha ha ha! Still, there are many items that I do promise to work on.

And was I able to accomplish them? Hopefully. In the meantime, sharing with you our important and memorable moments from the first quarter of 2022!!!!


January 1, 2022