
Friday, December 14, 2012


Sometimes with all the cuisines sprouting in the metro here and there, you'd forget to post about the "essentials" and one of them is Shakey's Pizza!

My family has been eating in this restaurant since I was a kid so it gives me a sentimental feeling (here I go again!) to bring my TEAM YAP here as well. However, my family used to go to the Greenhills branch and since it became a divisoria part 2, we just took the kids to Shakey's in Shaw Boulevard.

SHAKEY'S in Mandaluyong Shaw Boulevard is a good branch to bring the kids to since they have this mini arcade within the restaurant -- think a smaller version of Chuck E. Cheese~ (I bet it's a good place to have a party there too). 

In the end, not only were my kids full from the pizza (and other grub) but they were all so happy with the fun treats afterwards! :)

... and happy kiddies mean happy Mommy and Daddy!

Now what is that other thing that makes THIS Mommy and Daddy happy?

Duh... Food! Tsk tsk tsk... What were you guys thinking??




Oooh... I think I'm in love....
... with the photobomber at the back! 

Ha ha ha! Kidding! 

Or am I?

First on our table is a platter of SHAKEY'S famous spaghetti (P298.00)! The sauce is not too sweet and not soo sour that it is just right for everybody in the table.

... even my finicky eater of a hubby! Whew!

Of course since there's SHAKEY'S classic spaghetti, there would always be SHAKEY'S garlic bread!

... and when you're at SHAKEY'S you cannot NOT order a basketful of their universally famous Chicken and Mojos (Buddy Pack 5pcs - P405.00)!! 

If you love SHAKEY'S it's automatic that you will love their chicken n' mojos... It's just the natural law.

My little Andrei can't wait and immediately helped himself to some SHAKEY'S Chicken!

Team Daddy are the fast eaters in the family. They just chew and gulp everything in sight in light speed time!

Check out Mati eyeing the SHAKEY's chicken. I bet he's calculating how many pieces he will gobble up!

My plate! My first SHAKEY'S plate!

I would have preferred the chicken to be newly fried and normally I would send this back. Luckily, the SHAKEY'S Chicken n' mojos still tasted great even if it was in room temperature and the kiddies were so hungry already.

By kiddies I meant Mati, Andrei, and the Yub! Ha ha ha ha!

Who's your Mommy now huh?!

The SHAKEY'S classic spaghetti was wiped out in an instant!

Guess who the culprit was?

Andrei is eating... and by himself! It was a miracle!!!! 

I guess that is how much he loves the SHAKEY'S classic spaghetti!

(My little boy would prefer to go on days without eating. He thinks eating is such a burden and a waste of time. When he has a tantrum, he threatens me that he will NOT eat forever and ever!)

My little guy taking his sweet time eating his SHAKEY'S spaghetti and chicken!

Yub meet Mati... 

Mati, HE... IS... YOUR... FATHER!

Guys it is not a contest, you could talk to each other while eating! :)

Then the kitchen heaven's opened up and presented us with the...

SHAKEY'S Manager's Choice!
(large P339.00)

I wonder who's the Manager who chose this anyway? 
Pat Riley?
Anabelle Rama?

Anywho, let's EAT!

Make way for the SHAKEY'S pizza!

Mati is still eyeing his food!

My plate! My second Shakey's plate!!!!

... and we're done!

Except for Andrei. No surprise there.

... and now he cries because he does not want to finish his food anymore and just wanted to play.

No surprise there. He he he he!

What's a loving Mommy to do?

Have a solo picture aka "selfie"! 
( I hate that term by the way )

Check out GIGI the pimple peeking from beyond my nose.
(If you cannot remember who GIGI is, check out this LINK!!)

So after Andrei takes a few more bites of his food, we took them to FUNZONE which was also inside SHAKEY'S restaurant in Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong.

My Andrei is a real basketball fanatic. You might see him in arcades shooting hoops. His reward for good behavior is usually a game of basketball in school!

Mati drove cars...

("If life is a highway... I could ride it ALL NIGHT LONG...")

After driving cars to his heart's content and dancing to that dance-a-thingy, he joined Andrei who was STILL playing basketball.

As for me, I wanted to get me a stuffed toy!

I bet you could tell from the expression on my face that I GOT myself one? :)


Mati saw my "distress" and played for me....

Do you think he was able to me a remembrance from this great night at SHAKEY's?

Take a guess!

He he he he! 


(Jaz - By the way, If you plan to go to this Shakey's Branch, take extra precaution in the security of your car. We ate at Chicboy which was a few restaurants away from Shakey's and had some of our valuables stolen when our vehicle's glass window was smashed by thieves. To think that we were parked in front of Chicboy! Take care everyone!)

Shaw Blvd.
Shaw Blvd.
Addition Hills, Mandaluyong
(02) 534-1075

Friday, December 7, 2012


Ask the people who know us and they would tell you that we do not like shopping, unless it's for our sons. When there's news of a sale, if it does not involve big discounts for little boy's wear, then we are going to move on.

However, if we spy promos, value meals, and/or "the next  person is free" at a restaurant, then we are there in a New York Pizza minute!

On one particular Friday night, my husband and I were doing the thing we LEAST liked which was shopping for gifts for Christmas. Don't get us wrong, we love the holidays but like I said, we hate shopping. Especially with the hustle and bustle plus major traffic jams, it really turns us off. 

After purchasing some gifts for goodness-we-forgot-who, we were hungry. DANGEROUSLY hungry.  And all the usual restaurants were crowded. I already saw SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT from afar but did not consider it as an option since it looked a bit expensive especially being a specialty Korean restaurant and all. You cannot really blame us going to the stingy route since it WAS the holidays and we needed to save. 

But getting closer to SEOUL GARDEN, we saw how customers stepping out of the restaurant were happily satiated while diners inside the restaurant were eating heartily. Imagine our surprise when after checking the menu, prices were very affordable with servings good for many people! It was almost a steal!

Hallelujah! The heavens were smiling down upon us! Perhaps this was our reward for going through that ordeal during the holidays. And after such a great meal, we were energized once more to shop till we drop for the people we love.

See? Food does that to us? We become instantly nice!!

Oh by the way, I forgot to tell you, it's not just me and Eric who ate at SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT... 

Don't worry you'll see below who or WHAT the third party is. 

Just in case you get terrorized, could you just focus on how great the food looks in SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT?

It's Christmas anyway so it is your turn to be nice after we just enslaved ourselves from buying the gift you SHOULD have received. :)

Tee hee!



Roll call in SEOUL GARDEN!!

Yub, aka Eric ("My Husband's Lover"?), aka Chinese Stalker, aka Mark Anthony!! Tee hee!

Me! Aka Jaz, aka Yub, aka Ms. Pogi, aka the Wicked Witch of the South East..

Huwwweyyyt a minute.... 

Okay and the third party that joined us in SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT is...


Ain't that the biggest you have ever seen? It's almost as big as my nostril!  Looking back at this, I don't know how I survived all the looks of pity and questions of "WADDAHELLISDAT" from everyone.

Trust me it is THAT big. It's like an alien baby was about to sprout from it. I think it latched itself at me for about 2 months. E I'm lazy to go to the derma so I have a new companion on my face. 

I asked my husband if he was going to take pictures of me, it should be at my LEFT side. Of course, being the dutiful good guy that he is, he still chose to take pictures of me on ALL sides: left side, right side, and pimple side! GRRR!

Oh well... moving on...

SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT gives out free appetizers for every order of their baps and hotpots that's refillable baby! So you could munch on this while waiting for your food then request for some more to eat WITH your food! He he he he!

That's what I did...

... and the pimple. Tee hee!

SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT singkamas kimchi in special sauce...

SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT cucumber kimchi in special sauce... 

SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT Crunchy Squash kimchi in special sauce...!

All of them are good and surprisingly, this one is my favorite! Even if I regularly eat squash, I never expected that it would be good as a kimchi appetizer. So I think I asked for 2 more saucers of this! :)

Yubhub checking in... BADUY MO! :)

I ordered the SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT Garlic Chicken Bap (P208.00) and it came sizzlin' from the kitchen!

The SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT serving was more than enough for 2 people with normal appetites so before mixing it, I gave Yub his half portion of rice. 

My husband, a very finicky eater, does not like anything weird on his rice and would only eat servings of it without any topping!

After giving him his share, I proceeded to mix my SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT chicken rice and put in all of the trimmings, sauces, and whatever I could get on the table. 

I bet you are looking at "Gigi", the GINORMOUS pimple!

It was so big, my glasses rests on it and cannot slide off... ha ha ha ha!

The Yubhub ordered SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT's Deep Fried Crispy Wings (P178.00) and we were surprised that what we got were very fat pieces of wings!!

The SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT chicken was very crunchy and juicy too! At first bite you would know that the dish was fried upon order because there was nothing stale or dry about it which you would get for food which was repeatedly re-fried!

See the plate on my left? That's Yub's safe plate -- or the SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT chicken rice without anything on it.

SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT servings were hefty! We were just hungry and traumatized from shopping that we wiped out everything we ordered!

Plus! I was eating for 2... Me and "GIGI" the pimple!


I mixed everything into my SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT rice plus all of the chili that even if I ran out of meat to eat my carbs with, everying was still so flavorful and tasty that I continued chomping on it.

Even the bones! I love nibbling on white bones!

See? Wiped out to the bone and bowl in a jiffy!

Fini!! Burp!

Thank you SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT for energizing us with your affordable but delicious Korean grub while we were hustlin' and bustlin' with the shoppers during the Christmas season. 

The Yub, "Gigi" the pimple, and I, all thank you! He he he he! 

Now if we are always promised of a meal this good and affordable everytime we shop, I wouldn't mind going through that ordeal always!!!

I also want to eat here again after writing this post!


Seoul Garden Hot Pot
Robinsons Galleria
4/F Robinsons Galleria, Ortigas Ave
Ugong Norte, Quezon City