
Sunday, February 21, 2010


What always make my night is eating at a restaurant with great food at a measely price! Now if my Yub and I feel like pigging out without the need to sell an arm or leg, we look around at some malls' foodcourts.... I have to say, Edsa Shangrila and Robinson's Galleria's are the cleanest ones. Since I have a very "sensitive" tummy, I only eat there to avoid my stomach going ballistic while watching a movie he he he!!!!

Yub and stumbled upon Mongolian Quick Stop and I remembered that it has been ages since I ate there last. I LOOOOVE Mongolian fried rice and the thought of piling up all those veggies with rice and sauces gets me all giddy widdy! The branch in Mile Long closed down already (i think..) that's why i felt like the heavens answered my prayers when foodcourts decided to franchise this great cuisine!!!

To still keep my ultra sensitive tummy grumbly free, i only put squid balls, and fishballs for my meats... But to keep my gluttony spirit happy, i just piled and piled on the veggies, peanuts, garlic, oils, chilis, rice....



The mini MEYNUH!

MONGOLIAN Barbecue has become one of my childhood favorites (come to think of it, ALMOST EVERYTHING IS!!!) ever since my Dad, brought us to his organization's Christmas party atop the Meralco penthouse  and they had THIS on the meynuh.

It was my first time to have Mongolian Barbecue at 11years old and I have not stopped obsessing with it from then on.

The procedure to enjoy hot bowls of your fried rice at MONGOLIAN QUICK STOP is very simple:

a. You choose your veggies...
b. Pile on your meats...
c.  Get your choice of carbs (Choose from noodles or rice... Or you could get both!)
d. Spoon over (hihi) your selected sauces
e. Give it to the cook for stir frying...
f. Smile cheesily at the camera....

Uh... sorry about that...

Number 19! I'm Number 19!!!

I did mention in this silly little foodie blog that my husband HATES/DETESTS/GETS TRAUMATIC/HORRIFIED/SCREAMS LIKE A PUBESCENT GIRL/ whenever I ask politely if he wants some vegetables on his dish. So I guess with the many adjectives/superlatives that I mentioned above, you will not wonder why he did not get their Mongolian Bowl.

What is that you say? Why won't he just get a bowl and put meats, sauces, and carbs? I think we did that once and he got so irritated when there would be stray veggies which would suddenly surprise him (HELLO! I'M A CARROT!!!!) in his bowl. 

So from that time on he HATED/DETESTED/GOT TRAUMATIZED/HORRIFIED/SCREAMED LIKE A PUBESCENT GIRL/ with their rice bowls and would brighten up with their many sizzling plate alternatives. 

So here in MONGOLIAN QUICK STOP, it is no wonder he ordered their Grilled Pork Chops on a sizzling plate. He gave me a chunk to try on and it was a very tasty. I could order this along with my fried rice but that would just be gluttony.

So what I would do is get some 4 chunks from my husband. Tee hee! 

OH BOO! You did promise "Till Death Do Us Part" right?? Give me that pork!!!!

Anywhoo my husband would happily eat his sizzling plate on his own, slurping and making those hungry noises while I wait for my NUMBER 19.

He gallantly gave me his beansprouts and chili because he got this notion that if it touched his pork and rice, the meat would taste like it. 

It's okay. More for me!

Wohoo! Here's my number 19!!!

I love stir fried vegetables so I truly packed it tight on my bowl. I shoveled big servings of their beansprouts, young corn, carrots, onions, green peppers, and garlic!

I then added about 4 tablespoons of rice then asked the server to just add their squid, squidballs, and fishballs.

I would spoon over SEVERAL scoops of their peanuts and garlic and drizzle a lot of their sesame oil then garlic sauce.

Afterwards, I would request the server to ladle lots of  Sweet and Spicy sauce specifying that I want everything to be saucy!

I then further instruct the guy to fry it sorta well done because my sensitive tummy gets sort of rumbly when veggies are not cooked thoroughly.

So THIS is what I got!


It was piping hot so I blew on it first before stuffing the saucy grub into my mouth....

I apologize for the face. I told you. I hate my eating face. Very ICK!

Please don't charge me if you suddenly had the urge to bash your monitors. I'm only human who's trying to be "cute" anyway! H ah ah aha!

I love fishballs and squidballs in my MONGOLIAN QUICK STOP bowl. I feel that it is not so heavy even if I squeezed in a lot of veggies!

Mix your very hot creation and savor the heavenly smell of all that garlic, spices, sauces, and your... love....

Aaaah.... one....


(Ngasab ngasab) (Chew Chew)


I love it when I am almost done with my rice bowl and you find there all the savory grub which were hiding from you all exposed plus extra saucy.

I got you now you lone squid!!!

And I am...




(Now that tasted like garlic... Sorry Yub)!

He he he he!

Mongolian Quick Stop
Robinsons Galleria
Robinsons Galleria, EDSA
Ugong Norte, Quezon City

Saturday, February 6, 2010


For me, a night is complete if I was able to enjoy the food served at a restaurant... Now the night would DEFINITELY be perfect if the restaurant was cheap, a hole in a wall, and everything was just tasty and dandy!

That's what happened to us when we chanced upon MIN SOK restaurant in Makati City. It was highly recommended to us by my cousin Mia and during one NO-GOOD-MOVIE-AT- POWER PLANT MALL night, that we decided to drop by and try what she was raving about.

WOW!!!! When I sat down, I was like this kid who got so wide-eyed with the rides at Disneyland... !!!  I was all excited watching the Koreans who were busily cooking and eating their grubs that I felt like I was transported into a Koreanovela!

I DEFINITELY enjoyed our meal at Min Sok not only because the grub was affordable but everything was DAMN EFFIN GOOD!!! I AM now officially addicted to BULGOGI... and I have Min Sok to thank for!


I think we were the only Filipinos eating in MIN SOK . That is good because remember, a sign of a good resto is when the locals prefer it. If they do not, most likely the food of that dining establishment is too commercialized or just plain NASTY!

Here we have an abundance of Koreans who just dressed casually for dinner. It was obvious they did not troop over MIN SOK to be seen or look at beautiful gals (like me? - toink!) but just to enjoy delicious Korean food (like me! - yeaaah!) !

... Not that I consider myself as a Korean food but you know what I meant! 

I now present to you, the MIN SOK's grilling plate... the place where dreams are made of!

Except though when you're tired and you dream of sitting down. 

The meynuh!

The free appetizers! Unlike other commercialized Korean restaurants, MIN SOK offers these scrumptious Korean goodies for free as long as you order one of their main meals. Everything is refillable too so just get your tummies ready!

OR, you could try to act like a lady before wolfing down all that food in order to deceive your date! (Tee to the hee!)


Sizzle sizzle!

Oh yeah... almost done!

Ericjaz Foodies, commence digging in!

Now this is how you eat your meats KOREAN STYLE... (I hope the song "Gangnam Style" did not get into your head -- eep too late! :P)

MIN SOK step one:  Get a piece of crunchy lettuce and filler up with your choice of vegetables from your plate...

Like so...

MIN SOK step two :  Slather it with some of their pungent bean paste...

MIN SOK step three : Get your choice of meat....

Sometimes I prefer to grill the veggies for a short minute or  two...

MIN SOK step four : Dip your freshly cooked meat into this sesame oil with salt....

MIN SOK step five : You may pile on some Kimchi or other Korean vegetables for that extra layer of crunch and flavor....

My favorite is the spiced leeks with sesame oil! YUM!


MIN SOK step six : Give it a generous dip into your chili sauce if you want the experience to be a hot one (oh yeahhh....)

Here's your last look of my MIN SOK Korean grub victim!

MIN SOK step eight : That's me biting into all that MIN SOK gloriousness.... I was in heaven...

I was just chewing and enjoying every morsel with glee!


Okay fine I did not look like that when I stuffed everything in. The above was just the reenactment with some actions edited.

This was how I looked like then! REALLY!

All in the name of food darn it! Don't you just love my husband???

I went through all of that trouble while my husband just ate his beef and steamed rice quietly. My very choosy guy does not eat vegetables and would scream like a girl if I even dare to offer him a kimchi.

He's not writing this blog so I could make him scream like a girl if I want to. Ha ha ha ha! Kidding!

Our wonderful MIN SOK spread!

As much as I have a lazy big ass (yup my husband will agree), I don't shy away from restaurants that let you cook their food. I think it is a fun and learning experience. At least you get everything fast and really hot!

In MIN SOK even if we hear a lot of gabbing and laughing from the other table, we still enjoyed our meal because we focused on the tranquil sound of our meats sizzling....

Aaaah.... I could have this in the background should I ever decide to do yoga.

For every other of meats to be grilled you also get 2 servings of their spicy soup!

... and it was HOT!

Nothing that a good swig of Coke zero cannot cure!

Truly looking forward to our next meal here. Simple as that. No steps and no screaming like a girl.

MIN SOK. Very good.



With ERICJAZ FOODIES, we really enjoy the food we feature. Proof of that is after writing this post, I got some cravings again so I dragged my husband to have dinner in MIN SOK asap! So last night (June 3, 2013), cravings heeded! Everything was just as good as it should be! YUM!!! 

We even sat at our usual table!!

Tee hee.... posted in INSTAGRAM! BTW, add us up at facebook, Ericjaz Foodies! Yipee!

Min Sok Saeng Deung Sim
5655 Don Pedro St cor Jacobo
Poblacion, Makati
(02) 895-9586